Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Mariner stands in the Shallows, staring desperately out to open water. He longed to be out there, where he belonged, where he felt free. His domain. He turns back to Hethila.

“Unfortunately we must be parted soon, I do not wish it, but our duties carry us apart”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic Mariner, I’ll come visit at some point. I know how much you hate the shore. You belong out there. Don’t feel bad about leaving.” She smiles at him, and sees his head incline in response. “Tharwin said I’d be heading out to sea soon on some mission of great importance, I’ll take some time to check in.”

“It’s not the shore I hate. It’s who lives on it” Mariner mutters darkly. “What they took from me is irreplaceable, I shall never forgive them. Not truly”

Hethila didn’t seem to know what to say.