Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Mariner took the toolbox from Mako and looked it over. He stared at it so entranced he almost missed Mako’s question. Wohlford &Co, the company that had made his favourite ship, and the very one Tharwyn had been apprenticed under when he’d first met him. It brought back memories of a better time, a simpler time.

Tired of his tendency to sink whatever ship he happened to captain. The Queen had ordered he procure and pay for his own ship. So he’d sought out the finest shipbuilder he could find. The company was ran at the time by a man called Halfshell, Mariner couldn’t remember his actual name, but the two had become fast friends.

His friend had named the ship The Halfshell’s Hope. Which was short for “The Halfshell’s hope that Mariner can keep a vessel afloat.” Mariner had always raged at him that he would change the name the second the man finally dropped dead. He never did of course, he was never going to, privately he liked the name. It reminded him of his friend. Had the ship not sunk at the battle of Emberhold it would still be named that to this day. Still that ship had lasted over twenty five years

Mariner never found out exactly what happened to the company, but he was glad the Halfshell wasn’t alive to see it’s end.

Mariner said something very low and quiet what Mako was able to catch was “Sea God…Long time…Dead” he then turned away from the conversation, and stared down towards the sea, looking to see if he could spot any of the ship’s missing supplies. Mariner wasn’t fully paying attention however, he was thinking about his friends, and how they were all dead now. Dead, or they hated him.

The marine cries out as the bar hits him, sending him to the ground. “Why are you doing this? What did we do to you?”

He tries to rise, but is unable before Ari is upon him.