Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Her train of thought about the quality of ghostly ship repairs was interrupted by Mako who suddenly materialised in her and Dolphus’s way. Where did he come from? I I swear there was nobody here just now…

She fixed her now extremely tired gaze at the apparently non-ghostly bandage guy.

A nice piece of grilled meat with salt and pepper next to a warm campfire… a refreshing bath in the hot springs… ten hours of sleep in a hammock under the stars…

She tried actually focusing on what he was saying. Pride… get to your head… the hell is he talking about…?

She didn’t have the time to voice her inquiry though

Ari’s brain was barely able to register the movement of Dolphus’s sword. When did he manage to unsheathe it? His movements were calculated and precise, showing great skill. Was that matchstick of a sword not just for show? He can actually use it?!

But this was nothing in comparison to what was about to come.

Saying that Ari was impressed with his retort would be an understatement. The kid certainly had a spine, and could bite back if he wanted, even if all visual clues, everything about his appearance, said otherwise.
Her eyes lit up as she watched him confidently stand his ground.

This crazy crew sure is full of surprises.

Perhaps she underestimated him in more ways than she originally thought…

Ari went along with Dolphus, throwing looks of surprise mixed with slight hints of respect at him, only to notice him shudder and almost collapse to the ground once more.

Suddenly she realised that she had a strong urge to place her hand on his shoulder and tell him that he did well, but, after a moment of doubt, stopped herself and lowered her hand. Don’t get too attached to any of them. You’ll part ways as soon as you get the opportunity.

That’s it. Enough of this.

She turned around rapidly, her eyes burning with newfound anger, completely blocking Mako’s way towards Dolphus with her body. Instinctively, she unlatched the giant piece of steel she used as a weapon from her belt and swung it around, taking a wide defensive stance, just in time to see the sea water behind the bandaged man twitch and contort into unnatural shapes.

He’s a magic user.
She didn’t have the time to think over the implications of this, and how unlikely her victory was against someone with these abilities. Right now her only objective was not to let the kid get hurt by him.
She did owe him, after all. But it’s not really about that, is it?

STEP. BACK.” She said, furiously eyeing Mako. “I don’t know what the hell happened to you in your past, and not that I care all that much, but you’re not the only one. Everyone here went through something, so who are you to decide that you had it worse than the others?! What makes you think that your suffering gives you the right to hurt him?! Let go. It’s two on one. You’re outnumbered. You won’t win. So step back.”