Tales of Glory and Valour: the Seafarers Main RP Topic

Alexis didn’t respond to the remark, only looking at the man’s melted off arm with the same horrified reverence. There was a reason she was so vigilant with keeping this aspect of her in check, so fast could a power like this go awry. But by far the worst part of her using her magic was the instinct with which she wielded it. For so long she had not known her past the sensation that followed with the use of her magic was all too comforting. She shuddered at the echo of the feeling. she had always felt so close to her past, just within reach of it when she let the fire magic flow through her. It felt as if she pushed herself just far enough into the fire she could touch it, learn who she truly was before waking up on that beach.

“One of the many reasons I’m not a Caelin.” She said as she shook the recollection from her head.

“Much appreciated, you’re welcome to any supplies we can spare.” Alexis responded almost absently as she kneeled next to Dolphus. “Cmon kid, let’s get going. When we get back to the ship you can tell me all about our new friend.” Alexis stressed that last word of course. she didn’t want to trust the newcomer just yet, but with the state their ship was in she didn’t have much of a choice.