So, recently I got a huge crate of bionicle, herofactory, and technic parts from a relative of mine, after he decided he didn’t need them anymore. So, I decided to thank him by making a MOC only out of what was in the crate. So, here it is.
Yes, I know the skull spider head isn’t lime green, but in the lighting in my building room, there’s barely a difference.
I’m not sure which I like better. The chest with the extra plates, or the chest without. With the plates, his mobility is limited. Without them, in my opinion, his chest looks too bare. I dunno.
Zooming in on the chest here, this is something that took me a while. To make it look like a mouth is harder than it looks when using that rubber piece thing. An added bonus tho, the chest addons kinda look like eyes. I dunno.
In terms of the face here, I tried to make horns like tusks in the beginning, but I ended up making… well, horns.
The legs have two forms. Closed ^
And open ^
Very original names, ik.
Close up of the back
And finally, the head of the mace.
So, I was a little limited in the parts I could use, but I think I did the best I could do.
My gripes: cluttered, limited arm articulation, open neck, top lip of the chest chomper is too far out, and yeah.
But, that’s that. Overall, I think I did ok, but tell me what I could do to improve him, and if the pieces are in the crate, I’ll try.