Thank You MOC: Ssashen

So, recently I got a huge crate of bionicle, herofactory, and technic parts from a relative of mine, after he decided he didn’t need them anymore. So, I decided to thank him by making a MOC only out of what was in the crate. So, here it is.

Yes, I know the skull spider head isn’t lime green, but in the lighting in my building room, there’s barely a difference.

I’m not sure which I like better. The chest with the extra plates, or the chest without. With the plates, his mobility is limited. Without them, in my opinion, his chest looks too bare. I dunno.

Zooming in on the chest here, this is something that took me a while. To make it look like a mouth is harder than it looks when using that rubber piece thing. An added bonus tho, the chest addons kinda look like eyes. I dunno.

In terms of the face here, I tried to make horns like tusks in the beginning, but I ended up making… well, horns.

The legs have two forms. Closed ^

And open ^
Very original names, ik.


Close up of the back

And finally, the head of the mace.
So, I was a little limited in the parts I could use, but I think I did the best I could do.

My gripes: cluttered, limited arm articulation, open neck, top lip of the chest chomper is too far out, and yeah.

But, that’s that. Overall, I think I did ok, but tell me what I could do to improve him, and if the pieces are in the crate, I’ll try.


I like this a lot. It has its issues, but for being built out of only the pieces given to you is really neat. And the Moc itself is very decent, considering the circumstances.


The mace is my favorite part! Great MOC over all!

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The shaping is beautiful.




Nice MOC, I really like the shaping.

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Also, to everyone, any help with the lighting? I’m new to having an actual background, so I dunno where I should put any lighting with this kinda thing, or how much

This is a Gunmen. I see the face in it’s chest. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Cool, especially the hammer

I don’t… do the anime thing…
The hammer and the chest face were inspired by Overwatch’s Reinhardt. No anime here. In fact, no anime ALLOWED here. /s


Novel wanted me to click this.

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ugh I wish I had gotten those cound blaster pieces :frowning:

Its a really cool moc but i think the waist could use a bit of bulking up, cause it looks a bit thin compared to the chest area, other than that its a really awesome Moc!

Pretty decent for what you had to work with. Nothing crazy but it’s pretty creative nonetheless.

The torso made me think of Makuta from The Mask of Light. It looks pretty cool, and I like the colors! I like the mace, too.

Those legs kinda remind me of this.

Y’know what, I see it. The leg design is something I’m proud I managed to make, and I’ve milked the crap out of it. 3 mocs in the last year that I’ve made have some iteration of that leg design.

That’s pretty good.