That Awkward Moment when(...)

@Gravityhurts123 is a penguin-oh wait, this isn’t the lie, topic, is it? /s

I have done this so many times.

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TAMW some forest or something that’s kinda, sorta, not really close to your house catches on fire and then the smoke from the forest travels to your area, making it so that you’ve basically been banned from leaving the indoors cause you have asthma.


I now have a legitimate excuse as to why I never leave the house

I ain’t even mad



TAMW you’re watching Book Club, and Prpl’s eyes glitch out of existence or she gets possessed by a demon?:


TAMW you replay mnog, (because the podcast gotcha all nostalgic) and notice the protesting Onu-Koron for the first time.

TAMW you are scrolling through the TAMW topic and you see a scene from an episode you have already seen.

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TAMW 1/4 of your mocs have red as an accent colour so that the red pins blend in.


TAMW you start whistling around your mom and she comments “that’s a happy tune”…

it was a heavy metal rif


TAMW you though MakutaFest was tomorrow…


Same thing happened to my friend. Sadly, it was more embarrassing. :scream:

TAMW you realize your G2 market stand and owner MOC for Makutafest turned into a tale of a deranged villager and how his insanity brings fear and corruption to the entire Okotoan economy.

TAMW you joke about Bill & Ted 3 being called Bill & Ted’s Bodacious Expedition, and then Keanu Reeves described it as “Bodacious, excellent, and heartwarming.”

TAMW you’re selling a large lot on kijiji an a guy only wants like 20 very specific pieces to be shipped to him and you’re all like “bruh. I need to make money. Go on bricklink if you want specific pieces”


That awkward moment when you don’t understand internet humor and your seriously wondering if @BlueCel is alive or not.


TAMW you missed MakutaFest, and you’re wondering why there are so many random plant MOCs on the boards. :confounded:


TAMW you try to jump over a chair,and end up doing the splits over it…

She’s dead.
I’m pretty darn sure.

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TAMW you have less than two hours to finish and photograph (in a dark room) your MOC entry for the 2 Fan 2 Fictionous contest.

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That awkward moment when you’re carrying your MP-10 upstairs and a family member laughs at you saying: “why are you still playing with toy trucks?”


tamw everyone’s getting panic attacks over bonkle sets being pushed out of shelves and going on clearance en masse, and you go to your local toys r us and see all the sets still at regular price :disappointed:


I know that feel bruh, going to the entertainer (the only store near me currently stocking all the sets) and seeing ALL the sets (except the summer wave, rip uk release) at full price makes me a bit annoyed.

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either they’re selling decently well in the area, or the store doesn’t care enough to push them out that quiclky regardless :stuck_out_tongue:

In every store i’ve went bonkles are always at their full price,maybe even more sometimes.