That Awkward Moment when(...)

TAMW You used BIONICLE jokes in Messenger to your Mother, Brother, & Sister.

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TAMW the official guide to Bionicle book has Lehvak and Lehvak-Va’s elements wrong

Also Kohrok is silver? :grimacing:


White is consistently called “silver”, and Pahrak Va is replaced by Lehvak Va.



TAMW you find a double post you made over a year ago

edit: TAMW you feel like MOCing again but you used up most of your ‘‘good’’ parts on your older MOCs so you can’t really build anything


TAMW you get over 1,000 songs for 5 bucks but you can’t fit them all on your iPod Nano


TAMW you found out that theirs a Battle Lion in the Masters of Universe series.
See it yourselves next to Battle Cats.

TAMW you are talking to a friend and you make an inside joke with another friend, but this friend doesn’t get it, and then there’s an awkward silence.

TAMW Meepinater tries to make a joke

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When you see a piece of dirt stuck to the bottom of someone else’s foot and your instincts tell you to remove it before your brain can kick in to remind you that touching other people’s feet is not a thing you should be doing.

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when you’ve been having a deep conversation over text with the wrong person

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