I decided to update my pre-Pit Barraki mocs, and here is the result
Takadox, the schemer warlord
Plus a Turnaround
Kalmah, the ruthless warlord
Plus a Turanaround
Carapar, the brutal warlod
Plus a Turnaround
Mantax, the secretive warlord
Plus a Turnaround
Ehlek, the sea warlod
Plus a Turnaround
Pridak, leader of the Barraki
Plus a Turnaround
Link to Stud.io files and breakdown photos: Barraki (Unmutated) - Google Drive
Custom parts links
From The Deep [PARTS PACK #1] by Galva - Thingiverse
Bionicle Tablet of Transit Brotherhood of Makuta by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Demon Warrior Sword by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Matoran Armor 1 (D6RTVEAWV) by Galva_bot
Bionicle Toa Tuyet's Barbed Broadsword by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Nuparu Inika Claws Prototype by Scmdex - Thingiverse
The Face of Pridak (Un-Mutated) by KhingK - Thingiverse
Bionicle Lariska's dagger pack by Scmdex - Thingiverse
My Pack: Scmdex Pack - Google Drive
I hope you will appreciate these models. Every constructive suggestions to enhance the model are welcome.