The Brotherhood of Makuta - Karthax

Name: Karthax
Kanohi: Xafen, Great Mask of Alarm
Assigned region: None
Status: Dead


[details=Outdated]Another Makuta in existence. Great! What’s he gonna do, make Rahi? Nah, this one’s different. From his creation, everyone knew that Karthax acted differently. He wasn’t very good at creating life, he was quiet, and he preferred to spend most of his time watching the other Makuta make Rahi instead. In the case that a Rahi would escape from another Makuta’s grasp, Karthax would be there to bring them back. (Not all the time alive, though.) At some point in time, he was appointed head of security on Destral.

When good 'ol Terry’s convocation came around, Karthax sided with the winning side, obviously, to avoid further conflict, which was his job to prevent. After Hormahk was killed, dungeon master was added to his list of responsibilities.

Of course, an unfortunate event occurred where a certain Toa team stole a Mask of Light. Because he was unable to prevent such a disaster, Karthax was punished via ‘Death by Teridax.’[/details]


Karthax wore the Kanohi Xafen, Great Mask of Alarm, that allowed him to detect predefined “disturbances” in the area around him. This alerted him to any possible issues he had to deal with on Destral. He did not carry around weapons or tools, preferring to utilize the sharp claws and spikes of his larger form.

The third of my entries for the Brotherhood of Makuta Project.


I like the legs of both of these.and also how well you accomplished to make the second one a larger version of the first.

But let’s focus on the Titan sized one:

He is … ok. I like the “arms” of those shoulder-blade things and the custom head looks quiet ok. Also as I said the legs look good. And those shoulders have a very interesting design - although it hinders the sideways movement of the arms.
He could use a little more red in my opinion, but I think mostly what I’m missing is some “weight”, of course there’s nowhere written that a security chief has to look intimidating through sheer bulk, but nonetheless I feel like Karthax is a little too spindly.

It would be great if you could still work a little on him.

As to the backstory - works. Only one thing you should change: The name of the mask. I’m perfectly fine with Xafen, but “Mask of Dominion” easily leads to totally different associations in my opinion. Maybe change it to something like “Mask of Surveillance”.

Otherwise I’ll accept this MOC. Thanks again for participating!

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Quite strange, but I like it.

I love the head.

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Try making the lower bits more like Storm Beast’s legs.

The black Thornak launcher parts on the torso look a little weird, but those new forearms and additions to the lower torso help a lot.