Vakama embraces his British heritage
Luv me disks
Luv Ta Metru
Luv Dume
'ate Le matoran
'ate Dark 'unters
Simple as
totally not me being dumb and wondering why Vakama would eat Matoran
I once thought of an idea where there was an image of Cookie Monster puking traffic signs. I didn’t actually make the image, though.
yes, yes, I like that
“And it’s VERY contagious”
Some prophecies don’t come true
True, and I can definitely see why, although I must be one of the few people infected by the virus. Well, my hair isn’t green and I don’t have red swirly eyes, but I enjoy Znap!
Lewa saving Le-Koro only to find the Le-Koro band was not doing anything.
I think it’s the weirdest skit in Iliad.
Found this on Brickshelf.
Credit to Brickshelf user blowfish for blessing us with this
avak could you stop smoking from your comically large cigarette holder
BIONICLE Mask of Light but when Jaller dies there’s a saxophone playing in the background, and everything gets LOUDER to the point where the viewer’s ears fall off.
why don’t you make it
Man, I bet it would be so good if I were to make it. Hopefully after I sharpen my editing skills will I be able to make that kind of C U R S E D video.
Can I get an official C U R S E D assessor to grade my little Oniling?
(Also, pretty sure this is the 2024th post here. Happy 2024!)
I’d rate that a cursed/onion, but I’m not a professional cursed assessor.
Sorry, I’m not a cursed assessor.
My face when seeing this paint job