There’s a reason humanity was a mistake
I’m not sure what’s worse, the concept or the fact that it’s macaroni and beef
How bout the fact it’s not refrigerated.
[involuntarily shudders]
well of course, it’s fresh!
“Serves 3 men”
So, I guess it’s not fit for female consumption?
And the whole “Win a visit from Davis” thing is… confusing at best, and downright horrifying at worst…
Well not really, but you know.
Everything about this is wrong. It even says “Approved Food” just to show it’s edible.
“No, really, out food is edible, don’t worry, we know it doesn’t look like it.”
the contence of r/cursedformers
Like upright standing Cheetor in beast mode
you’re the one visiting it
Fun fact: you can give Kingdom/Netflix Cheetor his Beast Machines legs just by transforming the lower legs into Beast mode legs
And yes. If you pose them properly, they can be stable.
Oh and they look better than regular legs
this is blessed
I think I must change your mind about Beast Machines…
I would like that cake