The CCBS Topic

Except they aren’t. Wanna know why?

That’s why.


Lewa likes swinging on dead vines.



Nice pic?

I dunno.

Or they are very exact!

or they can read!

or they can just LOOK at the sets and tell, “Man, this Technic airplane uses the same parts as that BIONICLE set”


But if I showed you a liftarm and asked you what it was what would you call it?
A Bionicle piece?
No it’s a Technic piece.
(Also the CCBS Vs Bionicle system debate is kind of stupid because Bionicle never really had a system until the Inika build)

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Liftarm is quite an umbrella term when it comes to Lego. There are several different types. But yes, it’d likely be a Technic piece and I’d acknowledge it as that. I’ve been around long enough to eventually learn the difference. =P

(Also, my image was to primarily showcase the Technic logo at the bottom, for anyone that didn’t catch that.)


Perhaps I should have been more specific about what I said. By ‘bionicle system’ I meant the more specialised parts, so parts such as the metru torso and other parts designed specifically for bionicle that were more compatible with any parts post 04.

My problem with using g1 pieces with ccbs, is that g1 pieces are built to be detailed
I much prefer the nicer, smooth texture of ccbs
I can add detail easily,

So when I go for mixing the two, I usually end up only taking weapons, masks, and vahki waists.

I find it really hard to mix the two, so when I make g1 intensive builds, I tend to keep it ccbs free, for the most part.

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We all have this hope, but neither of us could make it true…

I think I just got an IRL migraine from reading through this whole “what counts as a BIONICLE system” for like the 10th time on this thread… it’s an incredibly arbitrary argument IMO.

The thing that I love about CCBS is that you can make it detailed. The pin sized holes in CCBS shells allow you to attach dozens upon dozens of System elements that can arguably render figures just as visually complex as any G1 Titan.



So much yes.


True story. But, I’m fond of the old Bionicle system.

exactly man
In fact I have a MOC (SHAMELESS PLUG) that I would honestly say I have managed to keep pretty detailed without using too many G1 pieces
like, I only used around 8 (not including the bohrok eye pieces)

another thing I like about CCBS is how easy it is to organize.

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What I don’t like on the Bionicle with CCBS is the FLATNESS. This just doesn’t suit to the Bionicle style. Even in the latest years with Glatorian or Stars (especially), even when the structure got really simple, there just weren’t flat pieces.

I love the current Lord of SS. When you take a look at him, you can see sharp, technic pieces and I if it had eyes/teeth created from pieces and not from image, I would say that IT IS Bionicle. I would like to see some combining of old Bionicle pieces (e.g. shin) with the new CCBS parts.

On the other hand, what I really like at the actual 2015 Bionicle sets is the mechanism of their hands. That’s something what the original Bionicle sets were always missing (except the first, 2001 - 2004 (?) ones). If they didn’t try to hide the interesting construction in the body by (again T_T) flat pieces and somehow show it in the body, I think it could be way better.

However I can’t say anything about MOCing with it. My creativity with it is seriously bad, but when I look at MOCs in this thread, I would say again that combining the pieces would be good idea :stuck_out_tongue:


Also… you’re forgetting about this glorious piece of ABS:

You’d want them to show all the ugly balljoints and pins more then they already do? 0_o


@legomaster1378 This is what I don’t like

And no not the ugly balljoints, I am talking about the gear for their arms. I just noticed that I wrote mechanism of hands, I mean their arms (shoulders)


The gears are kinda visible…

All those armour pieces you pointed out aren’t “extremely smooth” they have a lot of curves, slopes and angles in them. They just don’t have the same type of uber-greebly-to-the-point-of-nonsense aesthetic that G1 had.


@legomaster1378 aaaaaand it seems that uber-greebly-to-the-point-of-nonsense aesthetic is what I liked on the G1 :smile:


Me too. But that doesn’t mean different looks can’t work just as well.

as someone who grew up along side G1 I can say

I much prefer the aesthetics of CCBS to the old bionicle.
honestly looking back the g1 sets look so hollow and over-detailed they’re quite frankly messy with how busy they are.
the only thing I can say I want brought over into g2 is pistons, as CCBs has a much sleeker and solid look that allows you to add detail when it’s needed.

you call CCBS flat, I call it solid.


This piece is 100% Bionicle, especially with how these pistons don’t serve any purpose. :grin:



you sir, win a medal.