The Complexity of the Old Bionicle Systems (Mata to Stars) Compared to the CCBS System

It makes me excited, too. One of my major gripes of CCBS was that you couldn’t really make too many custom bodies if you built with the system itself. Now that BIONICLE is combining technic and BIONICLE pieces with CCBS, we get to have much better looking sets.

It’s not CCBS itself, it’s how it’s usually incorperated with previous sets. Thankfully, Lego’s doing much better now with it.


honestly i think that CCBS has the ability to be far more complex than the old “system” ever was. Bionicle G2 has demonstrated this perfectly. the amount of peices to the cost has changed dramatically. take Gresh and Lewa master. both were the same price (remember inflation) and gresh had 57 parts while Lewa Master has 85. the reason people belive the old “system” to be more complex is simply because of the complexity of the individual parts in all their fake piston and gear glory. CCBS is smooth and makes the overall character seem simple and not complex. thats why with BIONICLE 2016 lego is making a huge effort to reuse an old part (vorox armour) and use the more complex shells on the basic armour peices. they are also using more technic builds to take this to the next level. honestly i belive that other than the titans and the vehicals, G1 had quite simple sets that looked complex which, dont get me wrong, is awesome. i also feel that CCBS has lots of potential in creating great sets. but the fact is that both systems work best together

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Gresh was 15 dollars? No he wasn’t, at least at any retail store I looked at. Back then he was 10 dollars.

it was $12.99 ($13) on the lego store back in the day. by inflation that becomes the $15 we have now. maybe the gresh at your store was on sale? but that is the official price


Ho no. Got it during the first months of the year, that’s how I usually buy my BIONICLE. It wasn’t on sale.

Does the 13 bucks include tax? Because in my state we don’t have sales tax.

sorry mate but here are the official prices
US $12.99
UK £8.99
AU $17.99
your probably just remembering it wrong

No, I’m not remembering it wrong. Every BIONICLE set from 2006-2009 I had bought during those times were 10 bucks, and they were never on sale.

I remember in other states they were that price, so it must be an Oregon thing.

if you say so mate, if you say so

but by that logic does your lewa master by any chance cost $12?

Nah, he’s still 15 bucks, unfortunately. Dunno what’s up. :stuck_out_tongue:

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hmmm its probably because of the same thing that happens here in AUS. when i go to large retailers who can afford to sell things for lower prices, i see the large toa (tahu, onua, kopaka) for only $25 when in australia they are ment to be $30

I remember all late G1 canister sets being $13. You were lucky if you got them for $10 in Oregon!

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The way I see it, both the original G1 styles and the CCBS system had the potential for awesome and complex designs and flairs. Unfortunately, it simply wasn’t always captured in the ways that Moccists and other fans can visualize.

Tech-system high point: Titans and vehicles
Tech system low point: Mahri, Phantoka, Mistika, Glatorian

CCBS high point: First introduction and Fire Lord, Breakout, Brain Attack, Bionicle G2
CCBS low point: Savage Planet, Invasion from Below


woah woah, Savage Planet had some of the most creative uses of CCBS
IFB I can kinda see, but like
I consider a lot of the sets kinda creative like
I dont understand why IFB gets so much crap, considering it wasnt that bad
except the story


Did you just call Hf 2.0 one of the high points of ccbs?



2.0 was its introduction. I call that a win. It was something new that we hadn’t seen before. And TBH, the sets were neat when they first came out, especially Fire Lord. After that, I felt that they didn’t do enough to shake up the system until 2012.


Where i live its the opposite larger retailers sell them for more, like at toysRus tahu 2015 was $26 while kopaka and onua were $23… same with pokemon cards if i go to a small retailer i can get them for $4 and toysRus its $7

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Honestly the complexity argument is kind of subjective, because both inika and ccbs are actually quite alike in my opinion, both use and ball and socket joint system for limbs and torsos and both had armor attachments that went on sed limbs, the difference there is inika used pins and axels for attaching and had multiple piece torsos, ccbs just uses more ball and sockets and pegs to attach it’s armor, giving inika more pieces and therefore the illusion of more complexity, and while it’s true bionicle usually had more unique builds for their villains so does hero factory, bionicle villains were built different but still just slight modifications to standard inika builds and hf villains were slight modifications the to standard ccbs design, so both building styles have a lot in common and people are free to like one more than the other (personally even though I grew up with original bionicle I still prefer ccbs) but I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other. Both themes had new and interesting set designs and both systems have a lot of mocing potential and now that Lego has been able to incorporate form and function in g2 I feel this argument is thoroughly irrelevant now since from a building perspective ccbs and technic are melding in set form, and both technic and ccbs are still largely compatible to be used together for Mocs. The only real differences that truly separates them now in my opinion is whether or not you like the smoother look or the more robotic look and that’s purely personal preference so you’ll never be able to change someone else’s mind on that, so come on everybody lets put this dumb argument to rest and end the hate, peave between inika and ccbs!

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Amen to that. Also, you might wanna break that wall of text into more readable text. :wink:

Except that with CCBS you can build a humanoid figure that isn’t plagued by gorilla arms.


Gorilla arms were the worst! XD and sorry about the txt wall still a little new, ttv is actually the first forum I’ve ever posted on, I also appreciate the ability with ccbs to have more variation with with length of limbs


Welcome aboard mate! I will mention that our rule policy states that users should try to make their posts as readable as possible. So just be sure to pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. It’ll make people much more likely to reply to your posts.

Definitely. As I’ve been experimenting around with humanoid CCBS builds I’ve absolutely loved all the different bone lengths available.

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