The Devil Lizard

Behold, the terrifying Devil Lizard. It’s tongue is always sticking out, because the lizard smells with it, and it is covered in thousands of small holes, which allow it to breathe through it’s tongue. It is very small, and often kept as a pet.

So, why is it called The Devil Lizard?

And don’t lizards have tails? Where is this lizard’s tail? Well, both of these questions are going to be answered very shortly.

Many animals mimic other animals to escape predators. The Devil Lizard is an example of this type of camouflage. They skitter about on Bara Magna, where the Bog Snakes have adapted to be blackish grey, with accents of green. The tail of the Devil Lizard has changed to look like a Bog Snake. They wave it around and use very strong muscles to open and close the jaw. If their predator will not give up, they can send spasms to the tail, then detach it and run away. Agori and Matoran have domesticated a breed of Devil Lizard and keep them as pets. Devil Lizards are actually harmless, and love their owners. Ok, fine, here are the pictures.

What do ya think of this lizard? Should I write a story about the habits of your pet Devil Lizard? Well, comment below, because I want to know! Bye!


Well I guess this would be scary to a muffin :stuck_out_tongue:


I have seen things. Bad things.

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Pretty cool, I like it.

The dangerous muffin-slayer.

That’s pretty adorable man. Love the concept :stuck_out_tongue: