The First Resistance (RP topic)

Surius considers it for a moment, then decides to do so, constructing said arm.

Dr. Zed gratefully took the arm when its constriction was completed. “Thank you.” He said as he took the arm. He asks took Kyran’s magical prosthetic and set them down at his workbench. He also grabbed the prototype robotic arm he had constructed earlier.
Dismantling all three arms, Dr. Zed reassembled all of the pieces to form a brand new, superior prosthetic, with the abilities of all three arms.

Slowly, the arm was attached to the stump that had once been Jonathan’s left arm, a whining hiss sounding as they connected.

Dr. Zed stared down at Jonathan’s face. It had been scarred with a hideous slash down the entire right half of his face, from the eyebrow to his jawline.

He then slowly looked over at a Xir’algath mask nearby.
“I ran some diagnostics. The technology in his body can only interface with him if…he wears that mask…” he said reluctantly.

The mechanical arm reached for the Xir’algath mask, and then delicately lowered towards Jonathan’s face. The mask fully enveloped Jonath’s face, and it adhered to his face.

Dr. Zed stepped back, turning to Ciestaal and Kyran.
“Okay, do your things now.” He said to them, sighing tiredly.

The light erupted from the crystal ball, swirling around Jonathan, and reaching into his aura, repairing it best it could. Ciestaal himself stayed completely still.

Kyran raised his staff and resumed his muttering.

The angels also joined in as well, light flowing from their fingertips as it surrounded Jonathan.

Slowly, the lenses on the mask lit up a bright yellow. Jonathan’s jest puffed in and out slowly as he regain full consciousness.
The long cables and cords in his body disconnected themselves, slithering out and receding back into the machine.
The operating table inclined upward as the cables receded, and Jonathan stumbled a few steps forward.
He stared down at his false metallic arm, scanning it with his mask’s built-in HUD.
He felt his mask with his robotic hand, the fingers trembling as they slid across the mask.

Jonathan looked around at the others.
“What…what happened to me? I’m…I’m scared…” he said, his voice trembling in confused fear.

Kyran rested his staff at his side.
“You were gravely wounded. We did our best, but…”
He sighed.
“You’re going to be different for a while.”

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“You survived.” Surius said.

Ciestaal, however, didn’t move. Even his constantly moving orb stood still above his head.


“I…what am I going to do?” Jonathan asked in despair. His prosthetic arm trembled as he examined it. The robotic hand clenched into a fist.
“I’m…I’m sorry. This is all my fault…”

Kyran shook his head.
“It’s mine. I should have stopped the machine earlier.”

Jonathan tried to take a few steps, but he limped and tripped, stumbling forward. Groaning in pain and embarrassment, Jonathan slowly tried to reach for a nearby cane. It was ornate, with a G-shaped crescent knob on top. Jonathan leaned on the cane, already sighing with exhaustion.
“What am I going to do now? How am I going to live like I once did?”

“You need time to recover.” Kyran replied.

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“No, no no no. I need my strength now!” Jonsthan protested weakly as he limped along on his cane.

Kyran stepped in front of him.
“No.” He gently insisted.
“You need rest.”

Ciestaal’s clothing fell to the ground, revealing nothing underneath.

Meanwhile, the orb began to rattle and shake, small cracks forming on it.

The eyes of Jonathan’s mask focused intently on Ciestaal, forming into a narrowed snake-like expression that resembled…was it a glare? It was difficult to tell, seeing as his eyes were the only moving parts of his mask’s face.

Styrke, Dr. Zed, Eric and the Archangels watched nearby, offput and slightly disturbed by the actions and behaviors of both beings.

A voice would speak in their minds. Thank you, my companions. I am sorry. In saving Jonathan from a shattered soul, I had to do so to my own. Please forgive me, and continue in your fight.

With that, the ball shattered, and pieces flew off in every direction, many out into different corners of the universe. Only one remained here, falling gently to the ground, on top of the mask he had left behind.

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Michael slowly bent down, and picked up Ciestaal’s mask.
Jonathan’s expression was somber and unmoving. He stared down at both of his hands, clenching them tightly.
He didn’t even know what he felt. Was it pain? Sadness? Rage?
Jonathan’s mind swam with many confused thoughts as he stared at the single crystal on the ground.

Kyran rested a hand on Jonathan’s left shoulder.
Jonathan would feel a peaceful presence flow from Kyran over to himself.
“I know how you feel.” Kyran said softly. “I’ve lived a very long time. Had many friends. And many close friends. Every time one died.”
He closed his eyes and a tear slipped down his cheek.
“It hurts. It always does. But I carry that burden with me, refusing to let my friends be forgotten.” He opened his eyes and looked at Jonathan.
“I know you must, and will, do the same.”

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Jonathan carelessly brushed aside Kyran’s touch with his cold metal fingers.
“Yeah…” he mumbled coldly as he limped out of the room. On his way out, he plucked Ciestaal’s crystal fragment from the floor.

Raphael and the Archangels had noticebly worried expressions on their faces.

Kyran watched Jonathan go, his face crinkled with worry. He leaned on his staff and let out a weary sigh.
“I’m getting too old for these kinds of things.” He muttered, turning back to the Archangels. “We need to find more Maiar. I know I can’t be the last one. The council… they’re old and nearing their end. They will be reincarnated, eventually, but all the knowledge will be lost. We need to pass it on.”