He comes from a distant land to save us. He is…
Ultimate Roadkill!
Nyran shot
The legendary Kanohi Ignika!
The face of a hero.
The epic/swag fireslash.
Roadkill can conquer any enemy.
He comes from a distant land to save us. He is…
Why did you not tag Meso?
This was based on his MOC request at the end of VNOG, right?
best moc in existence
My best guess would be 'cause of the notification bug…would probably be better to tag him once the bug gets fixed.
I love how you added a jewel on his chest to simulate the lifestone.
Also, the fire slash should have three blades, not two
I just want you to know that this MoC made me very happy. I burst out laughing when I saw your rendition of the Ignika; well done. Roadkill’s legacy will forever be immortalized in this plastic form.
Also props for the Fire slash. It may need three blades to be properly accurate, but I commend your creativity. It’s truly swagtastic.
What have you done!?
You know it.
Yeah, I’ll probably add that in later. I just couldn’t find the right elbow(?) things.
I thank thee
Hey, at least the legs are custom.
Ah great another Horribad Moc
If you want me I will be in the Community Category
No, no, no! The proper term is “QUALITY GARBAGE”, @Whaddon ! Get it right!
Why didn’t I know this was you when I read the title Leo?
Terrible, but custom
Ayyyyy it’s Gus.
This MoC is perfection 42/10
Quite a Face he has there!
I like mine better.
/s, this is so much better.
Yours was quite goofy
Truer words were never spoken.
I luv it
I’m going to base all of my future MoC’s after this.
Um… nice head design?