There are some great stories on these Message Boards. But sadly it appears that freaking nobody ever pays much attention to them. This topic is a celebration of some of the stories written by users.
If you are a Master, go ahead and post some that you like.
If you aren’t a Master, go ahead and flipping read some of these.
I always mean to read more of this stuff, but it’s hard to find time, especially since I have a gazillion books lying around that I need to get through. I can probably find time if I work at it, though, especially considering how much I’m on the forums anyway.
So I have to be completely honest: I hadn’t read any of these stories before this topic. (Apart from mine obviously…) And I gotta say, these are REALLY good! Like professionally good. I’m especially liking the stuff from @Joev14!
Also, WHY THE HECK IS MY THING IN HERE? Like, the rest of these are wonderfully crafted and amazing! Mine is LITERALLY “How the Grinch stole Christmas” with a few words switched out and a different ending.
I’ve actually got a few more, if you’d like to post them. They’re called Key of the Codrex, Web of Karzahni, The Depths Below, and Monster. I have two more in the works as well.