Greg Farshtey Vs. Cathy Hapka.
Who would win?
Greg Farshtey Vs. Cathy Hapka.
Who would win?
Hapka sabotaged the Bionicle Battlezone game (if you don’t get the joke, watch Invictus Analysis on TTV, and for that matter, how dare you skip the funniest TTV show since eBay?) so Greg Farshtey. And even if that fact wasn’t true, Greg would still win
Takanuva vs. Tren Krom
Who would win in a battle?
Easily Tren Krom… except he’s dead.
moving to Versus Topic.
Tren Krom would wreck.
not even a fair matchup. Trn Krom wins as soon as Takanuva looks at him.
Pohatu vs. Will Ferrell
odd matchup.
Artakha vs. Umbra
Will Farrell would put Pohatu in pieces of stone
Edited for Double Post - WajKnight
Artahka. easily.
Omega Tahu vs. Ven
Lhikan vs. Vakama
Piraka vs. Toa Metru
Piraka would wreck Toa Metru.
Aang the Avatar vs. Shadow Toa.
Piraka almost killed the Toa NUVA, who are the most powerful toa ever (well, except for the Toa Inika,) I thinkk the Piraka would kill them without even trying.
Halo Covenant vs. Star Wars Empire
If we’re talking about a post-Ep6 Empire, then I’d say the Covenenant would win.
The Bionicle Universe vs The Marvel Universe/The Ultimate Marvel Universe
Marvel. Most Kanohi powers are duplicated and advanced on naturally in the Marvel Universe. same with Elemental powers.
Same with the DC Universe.
Marvel has Galactus/Ga Lack Tus + numerous Omega Level metas.