The problem with Takanuva

I think the biggest beef I have w/ Takanuva is that it took one of the few quirky fun characters and turned him into another bland toa.
Like… Pretend you know nothing about Takua- What can you learn from Takanuva about his personality?
Just about nothin’


first moment, fun and a kid-appeal character, the next, card board cutout(or cookie cutter, whichever you prefer) hero without much substance…


I think the movie Takua was a much weaker character then was shown in the Bohrok Animations or MNOG, and so the movie Takanuva was also a weak character.

And as has been said already, there was enough interaction with Takanuva to help establish him in his new role. And there wasn’t much interplay until many years later, and this left an awkward feeling between the characters.

Plus I think the Avohkii’s design didn’t quite mach his armor in 2003.


I agree with @Nyran. He’s actually pretty important, but his representation in the film was a bit off.


Nyran is important but misrepresented in film.


Yes, yes he is.


I think Takanuva as portrayed well sometimes and blandly at others. I remember him seeming like a more mature version of Takua in Dark Destiny, but that’s the only particularly good portrayal I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe also Dark Mirror, though I don’t really remember it that well tbh.

Heh, funny the two stories I referenced for Takanuva both have “Dark” in the title. XD


Where as normally he’s militaristic, serious and tactical, in the film, he’s reduced to nothing more than the more Responsible foil to his traveling companion

Oh sorry.

I just described Jaller’s misrepresentation in the Film.


I also think the Movie Takanuva was done poorly because he underused his powers. And because Takanuva was the only known person to be able to use elemental light powers for several years, I feel that Light is often looked down upon as a weaker element.

Power over light could give you many powers, like:

-Control over the electro-magnetic spectrum
-The power to make illusions.
-Super speed. (like Umbra)
-Power to control lasers.
-The power to control and alter the direction of light. (Imagine if the Piraka tried to hit Takanuva with their Eye Beams, and Takanuva simply redirected them.)

Instead of an epic laser battle between Makuta and Takanuva, we get a Kohli Match?


Yeah, I agree. However, it’s easier to explain a battle fought with weapons, than it is to explain a battle fought using only light and dark. Honestly, nobody really knows the extent of a regular Toa’s powers, and nobody knows the kind of damage a Toa of light could do. It just gets confusing after a while.

And with Makuta, he has all 42 powers of the Kraata, a shadow hand, and a bunch of unlisted shadow powers (Again, nobody knows the extent of the Kraahkan’s powers, only vague descriptions) It would have been an extremely confusing battle if both figures used their full mights against each other. Sticks are better understood than physics.


[quote=“tahtorak, post:29, topic:4827”]
-Control over the electro-magnetic spectrum
[/quote]other elements

[quote=“tahtorak, post:29, topic:4827”]
[/quote]mask power

[quote=“tahtorak, post:29, topic:4827”]
-The power to make illusions.
[/quote]mask power

[quote=“tahtorak, post:29, topic:4827”]
-Super speed.
[/quote]mask power

yeah, light’s OP.


I’ve no idea what that is.

This would likely require a very experienced Toa.

Even in 2010, Taka could barely do this.

pretty sure that ability is exclusive to Umbra and Photok.

Maybe Zaktan’s, but do we know what the other’s eyebeams are made of? Especially Thok’s.

Also, they had to keep the movie kid-friendly. Ergo, no epic battle.


prepare for dumb comment Obviously Takanuva is a PSA on steroids and why to take them to be better then everyone else.


think magnetism+lightning+(canon)light.

hence my

[quote=“Payinku, post:31, topic:4827”]
other elements


Meh, I liked Takanuva. Sure, he wasn’t a very interesting character, but he sure looked cool (at least in 2003).

True that.


To the contrary, in the Bionicle fandom and beyond, I’ve actually seen a lot of people who think light is more powerful than it reasonably should be.


Um. Takanuva failed very hard at vanquishing Makuta. I mean, Makuta became the universe. If the other Toa had helped him, Makuta may very well have died (or not.)

I understand why you don’t like him tho. Everyone else has a destiny.
Toa Nuva-- awaken Mata Nui
Bohrok-- clean it all. It must be cleaned.
Matoro-- die wearing the Mask of Life
Mata Nui-- reform Spherus Magna
Makuta-- Teridax, take over GSR and help Mata Nui reform planet
Takanuva-- um…uhhh… Revive Jaller? Maybe?

So yeah, I get why you don’t like they guy. But he’s not that bad…