The reason(s?) BIONICLE should come back

If I were to reinvent Bionicle. I would approach it like an arg or how Gravity Falls had hidden codes and mysteries imbeded into the show.

This reinvention will be targetted towards the kids who like to deep dive solve mysteries and find out as much as possible about a story. Bionicle sucess had just as much to do with its aggressive marketing as well as it having many interesting story hooks. Because of this the sets would focus on being cool to attract a wider audience. While the story should be presented in a way that its not to complex that the mysteries gets too hard for children but interesting enough that it can hook kids with a sentence or 2 and some cool renders. If you want to you could intigrate some mysteries into the prints or stickers of the figures too and like the new EVO Ninjago sets make visual instructions but for how to decode the messages and such rather than explaining how to upgrade the model.

For the sets I would probably aim for a G1 esc design language maybe modernize the robot designs a bit but I think the steampunky nature of G1 is kinda important for the feel of the theme. Also yes the line would be some sort of constraction wheter sccbs or something new.


I like your ideas!
Though, I’ve never watched Gravity Falls, I did know, that it had this “mystery dripping” tendency through its run.

As for the Ninjago EVO example, I could see that in a G3, they would use a similar gimmick and instead of golden masks, They’d give the Toa extra golden armor parts for power ups as collectibles.

Well, I do like the recently debuted SCCBS, however, I would prefer a more Technic based approach for the sets.
I’ve already begun to design a “love child” of a system like that. (for my personal fan project.) Basically, my idea is fusing technic parts with mixel-joints.(imagine the regular mixel limbs but with more variations with increased lengths and them having technic beams as middle sections instead of 1×2 brick plates.)


that sounds like a good idea


Thank you!

Hopefully, I will be able to show more of my ideas, in my personal topic sometime down the line. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry, @KDNX , if I seem to be attacking you with this comment, but I do think it would be nice for a Bionicle G3 to at least have a passing connection to the original story. Otherwise, you get contradictions where main characters (Like Pohatu) act in ways that they wouldn’t in the original, which can be off-putting for the original fans. Also, while magic would be cool to see in Bionicle, it would get out of hand trying to explain it, and we’d probably get something like the magic in the Inheritance Cycle books, where it’s magic that must follow the rules of physics as we currently understand them. Which results in the magic being quite limited in applications.

Those contradictions could be easily avoided if instead of rebooting old characters, you make new ones.

The Magic in the Inheritance Cycle seems like a poor example for your point. The Magic system is built on knowing the true name of a thing or concept and having enough energy to fuel the action. It’s true physical limits are still in play, but you could theoretically do anything as long as you know enough true words/names.


I do not think BIONICLE G3 needs to be connected to G1. In fact, I would argue that having room for having different versions of established characters is a good thing if it suits the vision. I do not think that having different version of character is bad in of itself. Putting a twist on established character can be interesting. Makuta in particular could be handled in various interesting ways.

Problem with Pohatu is that he is a chracter whose character is defined by his friendliness, and making him unfriendly without proper justification is weird, and not in a very good way. But does that makes any changes to his character feel weird? No, the specific change was bad, not any and all changes. For example, they could have made Pohatu hard-headed, which would fit element of Stone while not turning Pohatu’s entire character upside down.

Below, I wrote examples of how some characters could be rewritten, without it feeling wrong. There are more ways that this could be done.

Characters can be expanded, adding upon an established base.

Gali-Toa Gali always tries to understand the world around her and its inhabitants. As result, she is compassionate and curious. When a conflicts breaks out between Toa, Gali tries to defuse it, for she knows that such infighting could doom Toa’s mission. Gali’s curiosity and hunger for knowledge can sometimes be her fault, as in her pursuit of knowing, she sometimes can forgot caution and fall into danger.

Some aspects of characters can be changed or even inverted, while keeping the character recognisible.

Karzani-Karzani is a mysterious being that was once known as best healer in the Universe. When Matoran were injured so much that they were unable to work, they were sent to Karzani’s realm, where they were repaired and sent back in perfect state. Karzani was so dilligent that he stopped caring about his own health, which led to his slide to madness. Overwork and overexposure to dangerous substances caused Karzani to become fascinated with physicaly altering his patients.
When their Matoran began to return drasticaly altered and disfunctional, Turaga stopped sending Matoran to Karzani’s realm. Karzani in turn stopped the remaining Matoran in his realm from leaving and experimented on them further, trying to create a perfect Matoran. He convinced himself that Turaga were displeased because his alterations did not go far enough, and excepts that all the world will hail him for fixing the flawed design of Matoran. When that ilusion is snatched from him, Karzani will become a dangerous opponent.

And as Sonus said, you can avoid this entirely by making new characters.


Sorry for the late reply, I don’t use TTVMB much now that the contests are over.

I don’t see how the characters acting differently in a reboot is a contradiction if they’re not connected. It’s only a contradiction if you connect it to the original series. On top of that, along the lines of what Sonus pointed out, you could make entirely new characters.

Need the reboot appeal to the original fans? It can be a spiritual successor intended to onboard new fans rather than cater to the old fans.

Then don’t explain it, it’s magic. Call upon the spirits of Fire to create a flame from nothing.