I did some thinking on my commute home, and came up with the science of mask powers.
Mask powers in G3 are physical augmentations, so they can technically be gained through training. When a mask is activated, it sends a slight jolt to the brain, kickstarting the needed trait without having to train the skill.
Masks would be made of a metal alloy. The composition of the alloy would be different for each mask type, and each alloy would send the spark to a different part of the brain. The jolt wouldn’t hurt. The sensation would just be what a Matoran considers as the mask activating.
Endurance - The jolt numbs the body, making fatigue and pain lessen. This lets the wearer continue fighting past their normal limit.
Perception - The jolt hits nerves controlling the senses, temporarily boosting them.
Sonar - The jolt hits a nerve that sends a signal to the body, making it produce a click for echolocation.
Translation - The jolt hits the part of the brain involved in communicative functions. This allows the wearer to understand and speak other languages.
Charisma - The jolt hits pleasure centers in the brain. This allows the wearer to become more confident in their actions, thus appearing more appealing to those around them.
Stealth - The jolt sends a slight charge throughout the body, making the wearer lighter on their feet.
Strength - The jolt is sent to the muscles, boosting the wearer’s overall strength.
Speed - The jolt is sent to the legs, boosting the wearer’s overall speed.
Accuracy - The jolt hits nerves around the eyes, and boosts concentration, allowing for more accurate strikes.
Balance - The jolt sends signals to the vestibular, somatosensory, and visual systems to boost the wearer’s sense of balance.
Night Vision - The jolt hits nerves to the eyes, boosting their ability to take in light. This allows the wearer to see in the dark.
Rahi Control - The jolt causes a slight electrical discharge to radiate from the wearer. This wave has a soothing effect on Rahi, making them more docile.