The Toa Takha (Biowave Project)

There really needs to be more mocs with the toa mata build.

I used the 2001 Toa masks for them so as to help distinguish them from the Toa Valda in the Biowave story, who already use the Turaga masks. If there were more 2001 Great masks, I would probably have used them instead.

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I may be able to do a bit of artwork for the project. My style doesn’t exactly fit with what you showed here, but I could adapt.
Examples of my work-

Why does Botu have a kaukau if he’s a toa of jungle?

I really, really like these.

Because none of them swim but I had to give a Kaukau to one of them anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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Because jungles have lakes. And rivers. And ponds.

That’s fair. I do like how it looks on him :stuck_out_tongue:

What he said :grinning:

So. Avani is Takua.Voli is Gali but also Lewa. Fenra is Onua but also Pohatu Botu is Pohatu but also Gali Cerena is Kopaka. Baharu is Tahu but also Onua. Is that all correct?

They are vaguely meant to parallel Toa of a particular element (Light with Fire, Lightning with Water, Iron with Stone, Jungle with Air, Psionics with Ice, and Gravity with Earth) but not in terms of their personalities if that’s what you’re referring to. Sharing a mask with a Toa Mata doesn’t necessarily make them similar in that regard.

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Shadowgear6335 got to that name and character first…


You obviously put a lot of thought and love into these characters. Their colors take a bit of getting used to, but it’s fine trust me. Honestly this would’ve been a cool feature for the original story, especially when introducing the secondary elements. Could’ve gone great with the Kal! But anyway, really cool sets, I love the subtle differences you put into their builds, especially Baharu’s gear function.

I have to be honest I’m kind of conflicted about these guys. On the one hand I respect keeping to the mata style but beyond that I just don’t feel interested in them.

They’re cool but I guess they aren’t my style.


This is what many MOCs before 2004 looked like.

So you say 2001 or 2003

2004 looked much different.

^^ I said BEFORE 2004

Well after your original post.

In the original you made no implication.

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I think Baharu is my favorite because he’s relate-able. He’s tall, and I’m tall.

It would be awesome to see these guys as Kaitas (kaitae?).

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Honestly, Avani looks like he should be a female. These are really cool though tbh