Has anyone noticed the main six cast members kinda make up a Toa Team in some sense?
-Varderan is the leader.
-Meso is the sheriff
-Viper, the only female in the main six cast members. This makes 5 males and 1 female, which reminds me too much of how there is one Toa of Water, and the rest are male.
What are your guy’s ideas on how the TTV crew could be a Toa Team?
Also, what I see what you’re trying to say, they really form more of a general Five-Man Band(give or take one member, but the number doesn’t have to be specific to apply.)
There’s all sorts of various ensemble tropes out there that could apply to TTV
Gr8 idea m8 so:
Eljay- toa of air (jungle)
Venom- toa of water
Kahi- toa of fire
Varderan- toa of ice
Viper- toa of stone (her MOC is green but i can’t just scrap Eljay, right?)
Mesonak- toa of earth
She doesnt necessarily need to be a toa of water…
and also
I will give you a concise list of the elements they can have, because you all are only using the main 6
toa varderan, master of earth, or possibly twilight? I dunno
toa Mesonak, master of shadow
toa eljay, master of jungle
toa kahi, master of plasma (yes I know, he is red, but I feel like it could work)
toa viper master of psionics (yes she has green, whatever)
toa venom master of earth/stone
and finally
toa takuma master of ice (cause he is colder then kopaka)
and toa exxtrooper master of air (wasnt sure, just went with air)
so, what do you guys think of that list?
var would be the leader
Meso the second in command