The two mercenaries

Red one: Leerox Blue one:Sherok


You know, the hat on Leerox looks absolutely gorgeous. To use the skrall shield in such a way is really clever.

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A few pictures just showing the build would be awesome but from what I can see they look amazing.

thank you, it’d look even better if that disk piece on top of the shield was black instead of grey though

[ Khalsa72113m A few pictures just showing the build would be awesome but from what I can see they look amazing.]

Leerox has a post of her own, check it out if you want, I haven’t done any thing with Sherok

Yeah, more pictures would be nice.
They do look cool overall though.

from what i can see they seem really cool
buuut yeah we’d really need more pictures

well this Leerox’s page:

i’m still getting picture ready for Sherok’s page, or do you guys want me to put both of them on here?

i guess you could do a dew pics with both.
although i doubt you were talking to me.

Anyway, nice Mocs, i like the blue one more, personally.

I’d like to see Sherok’s legs, @yolo360nosescope! Any chance we could get a more complete shot?


soon enough, I’ve been a little busy at the moment, but you can count on me for more pictures!

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Awesome! :thumbsup: Just be sure to take a more complete pics of future MOCs. :stuck_out_tongue: