Tiki Leader of Mata Nui

The new tribal leader of mata nui, wearing a robe made of bones with the staff holding the head of the previous leader


Im a fan of (some of) the concept, but not in love with the execution. I do like the head design though, its neat

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What part of the execution isn’t what u like?? And the head design is what started it all lol

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Im not entirely sure, but I think it is all of the white on tan on black combined with the standard limbs on a grebley body. its cool how this came to be though, I’ve had similar things happen to me before


The white are bones that hes using as like the turaga drapes, hes got a claw skirt with his knes down showing regular “skin” the silver is armour, all the tan is the “skin” details with the face being a mask but the teeth organic almost like the mirimax design

For the upper arms I couldn’t find any in tan so I used something thats like in a shadow from the shoulder armour

Again hes a tribal leader like a tiki statue brought to life

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That is a very interesting face design.

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Love the head and teeth!