Toa Inika/Mahri (revamp) by of_alt

Hello everyone !
I built the Toa Inika/Mahri revamp model.

This build is a revamp model based on headcanon !

  • I don’t really treat “Toa Inika” and “Toa Mahri” as different things, and basically call their team “Toa Inika”.
  • Their masks and weapons are based on the Mahri form, but without underwater equipment, they are designed for general ground activities.

Jaller, Toa Inika of fire

Weapon: Two-pronged Spear

  • He is armed with a Two-pronged Spear that he has been accustomed to since he was the Ta-Koro Guard.
  • When the tip of Spear is removed, it becomes two pairs of Daggers.

Kongu, Toa Inika of air

Weapon: Air Blaster, Heel Spike

  • The revolver, which fires wind bullets, is inspired by the product model version of him, who has two Cordak Blasters.
  • His heels are equipped with Spikes, which are used in close combat accelerated by the recoil of Air Blaster.

Hewkii, Toa Inika of stone

Weapon: Paddle Blade, Electrified Chain

  • His Blade are Kolhii Stick-shaped, reflecting the experience of a Kolhii player.
  • The basic functionality is the same as the Aqua Warblade he has in the product model version, but it can also be used as a Mace by hitting on the side of the Blade.
  • An Electrified Chain is attached to the end of the Blade handle.

Hahli, Toa Inika of water

Weapon: Trident

  • Her weapon is a Trident inspired by the product model version of her equipped Protosteel Talon.

Nuparu, Toa Inika of earth

Weapon: Laser Torch, Protosteel Shield

  • Laser Torch is, of course, based on the Aqua Blaster Blade, but gives it a more “tool” shape, like the Plasma Cutter in the “Dead Space” series.
  • Laser Torch is cabled to the waist energy unit.
  • The neon orange used in the Laser Torch and energy unit is a quote from the orange color of his mask when he was a Matoran.
  • Protosteel Shield is connected to a movable arm and suspended on the back.

Matoro, Toa Inika of ice

Weapon: Double-blade War Scythe

  • He gave War Scythe because he has a close relationship with “life”, such as the masks he wears, such as Iden and Tryna, and “Ignika’s Destiny”.
  • The double-layered Scythe blade is a quote from the Twin Cutter that his product model version has.

These all look great! I’m stunned by all your amazing Mocs! Will you eventually build a revamp of every canister set toa team?


Thank you.

Certainly I want to build my revamp model for many characters, including the Toa team in the canister set.
However, my interest is in the “On-going” timeline, so building characters in the “Past” timeline is a low priority.
(For example, I built the Turaga revamp model, but I have no plans to build the Toa Metru revamp model)


These look phenomenal!

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kongu out here dual wielding gigantic revolvers

Seriously though these are all excellent and extremely well thought-out, well done


These look amazing I especially love all of the weapons. Kongu’s is my favorite

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The core design you have for them works super well, yet they each feel very distinct. The weapons are also spot on.


These are awesome! I love all of them, all though my brain doesn’t like the illegal connection on nuparu’s weapon. Normally I don’t complain about illegal connections, but something about that one just really bugs me, and I’m not sure why. That of course is not to say that it’s bad, just that I dont like it. Also, what in your headcannon makes them so small :rofl:

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I like how you completely changed all of their weapons, yet they still resemble the original weapons (Except Jaller. There’s not much you can change about a basic sword.). I especially like Hewkii’s hockey stick weapon.

Also, good call on changing Hahli’s colours. I never liked how they gave her such random, non-Ga-Matoran colours.

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These are really well-built. The masks are a little big for their small bodies, though. I like that you gave Hahli more blue, it’s much better than her original lime green.

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Thank you for your reply !

To be honest, her lime color in the product model version also deviates from Ga-Matoran’s color scheme.
I had decided from the beginning to change her subcolor from lime to blue, but I also wanted to retain some of the essence of the product model.
I chose medium azure, which is “greenish and bright blue”, as a sub color.
Other than her, Toa Inika has also changed to a color scheme that I consider more “better”.

Like my Takanuva revamp model, they intentionally built a short stature as a “new generation rookie Toa”.
For the time being, I was careful about the ratio of head to body size that does not make the head look extremely large.

Additional contents

Jaller (Alternative ver.)


These are all really, really excellent! I like so many little details you added in, especially the Kohlii stick for Hewkii. Who did you have the most fun designing?


Thank you so much.

Hahli was the one I enjoyed designing.
I devised a female body build while maintaining unity with Men’s Toa.

Hello again, Alt!
Truly wonderful choices in each character design, I love them all.
But, the most interesting design choice for me was the wings of Hahli tied to her waist rather than her shoulders. Why did you choose it so? Was this inspired by another character?


Thank you for your reply !

There are two reasons.

First, my Toa Inika revamp model had a hard-point on the waist armor(In terms of parts, 11458), so it was just right to put the wings there.

Second, I wanted to narrow the silhouette of her shoulder width to give her a “feminine feel”.
I thought that if I put the wings on her shoulders, the silhouette of her shoulder width would be wider and the atmosphere would be more rugged than necessary.

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Sick revamps! I like the change of Hahli’s second color from lime to azure! In my opinion, Hewkii and Matoro turned out the best.

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I really like the huge hand cannons you gave Kongu.

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Those revolvers on Kongu are really nice.

I will say, a lot of these look solid from the front but somewhat fall apart when you look at them from behind. Overall though, I think the style is oddly somewhat cute and gives them a nice and unified look. If you have access to a bunch of half-tires I’d recommend inserting them between the Slizer feet on the shoulders and the sockets - they don’t restrict articulation and fill in that half-unit gap quite nicely.

Also reminds me I never posted my Matoro Mahri revamp here…

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Thank you !
As I wrote in the post above, I was particular about adjusting Toa Inika’s color scheme.

Thank you !
Kongu is a rare Toa whose main weapon is a gun, so I stuck to the Air Blaster design.

Thank you !

Certainly I can’t deny that I’m compromising behind view with a focus on front view.

The space on their shoulders is deliberately left open to distinguish between “shoulders” and “shoulder armor.”
Also, I don’t really like builds that sandwich tires to fill the space because of my personal policy.

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To be fair, the front is where MOCs are usually seen from. Always nice to have it look good from behind…but given the choice…you get the idea.

Personally I really like filling gaps wherever I can, unless they’re intentional. Might not agree with it, but here it is intentional, and given how strict I used to be about my own MOCing policies, fair enough on that one. Tires are pretty integral for my stuff, since they’re small and my stuff usually is too, but if you don’t like them, don’t use them! Best part about MOCing is nobody can force you to make stuff anything other than what you want.

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