Toa Mata Mistarack

Now if you have seen my previous moc then you will know the back story for this character and if you haven’t i would check it out now.
here he is in his Mata form from when he was first a toa I hope you like it



Electrified weapon

Inika weaponry

Sorry for any over exposed parts as I am taking photos with my phone as my camera is missing.


so uh

I know it’s like a Mata Torso n all but

why are the limbs weird?


I really do not like this moc
it does not have any proper articulation
the head is wonky
and White and Yellow does not work

I’m sure there’s a better way to attach those limbs. If you really want to use a Mata torso, I would recommend adding normal ball joints to his hips, so you can attach some standard legs to them. As for the arms, I would try doing what the Masters did, by having ball joints for the shoulders, but keeping the gear mechanism. You’ve got a pre made gearbox on that torso, might as well use it.

+1 points for creative color scheme, though.

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While I really like this color scheme, I feel like adding gears to the gearbox, as well as switching out the limbs currently being used to Mata limbs would look much better. These limbs look very awkward and stubby, and makes him look more like a Matoran than a Toa Mata.

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The concept for this is pretty neat, but the execution makes this MOC look very awkward.

i agree with @Oniwah for the concept its solid but man those proportions are all kinds of wrong

I like the use of those yellow pieces on the arms.

Meh :confused: