Toa Odium, cursed Toa of stone. Chainsaw upgrade.

NOTE: FIRST ATTEMPTS AT A CUSTOM BIOFORMER THIS FIGURE IS PRIMARILY MADE OUT OF LIGHT GRAY DARK GRAY AND AXON’S OF LIGHT RED PARTS Odium was one of seven matoren that where rescued from the realm of karzahni, and the primary reason these six where rescued was because of how karzahni rebuilt the six of them. Three of them can turn into an Rahi like being’s and the others where more vehicle like. He also distorted their colors so they couldn’t be easily recognize by other matoren. Not only that but the Toa of fire is the first female Toa of fire in this alternate universe. Only five team members are still alive. The Toa of earth was eaten by zombie Botar. His remains are *“Unknown” *. When Odium was created, he and the other’s of his team where physically affected by their own elemental powers. As such his outer layer of his body is covered in a unknown type of stone. He has the ability of a sweeping Angel. But sometimes he can break through this part of his curse.

One of the main things to know is that his true loyalty is not to the order of mata nui. But to the great being that enslaves him. This means if Helryx doesn’t do something like she’s supposed to he has direct orders to kill her.

This is what I call his proto visorak horror. This animal-like form allows him to crawl on the ceilings of caves and other’s’. Karzahni was trying to make him look like the subterranean Visorak.

Hope you all enjoy, I will be making more of them when I can.


Interesting. I really like how you made the upper torso, it really sells the BioFormer concept with those curved Technic parts.

Would it be possible to have his feet fold up in his Rahi mode so that they look like claws (or meld with the lower legs a bit more)? Currently they stand out a bit with their current placing. Other than that, I don’t see any issues with the design, and I will be very interested in seeing your other designs!


I am trying to do exactly that with out going to big. I’m thinking about putting the arachnic leg part it self in the back heal.


I just upgraded the feet so they look more natural. I hope you all enjoy this upgrade.


That’s really good! As before, I love his transformation. It’s much different from the usual bioformers I’ve seen.


@DuneToa The trickier part was making the moc stable enough to stand in it’s Rahi form. So I used a new technique I learned on the spot using Rahkshi parts to Make the frame more hollow.


@captain_subtle what do you think of my intake on a Bioformer?


I just recently upgraded it so when in its Visorak horror form. It now covers up the head a lot more and transforms into a spider somewhat like behind fused to the body but it also splits apart and stores into the back with ease.

Odium vs Baterra.

Hope you all enjoy :grin::+1:


Hey dude! Sorry it took my so long to reply. I lost my password and then life has been very busy since my baby was born. :smiley:

This is such an awesome moc! The build looks very intricate and I love the colour scheme. I already loved the humanoid form but I think your modification made me like the creature form a lot more.


Congrats dude. Thank you, I plan on making some more here soon. I’m thinking about reusing this upper body design in a similar way but it will transform into the back part of a jet for the Toa of air. The colors will be bright blue and keetorange


Thanks man! That jet bioformer sounds very cool. I love bright blue and keetorange as a colour scheme.

For my next bioformer, I want to make another aircraft too. Probably black with some translucent orange and maybe some silver.


Kind of sounds close to the fallen’s color scheme.


So I was thinking on what type of weapon I was going to give this character and since he had already big huge saw blades on his that can cut throw stone. So why not give a… This might have been a mistake. :grimacing:

Here’s one with All his Visorak bits all displayed out.

He eventually like all the other Toa on The reform planet have come face to face with a Baterra

He was almost killed by it when he first encountered one.

If it was for this chainsaw he would be.

Here’s the chainsaw by itself

Hope you all enjoy this :grin::+1:


That’s a nice chainsaw! I like the shape of the engine section.


Thanks, I’m thinking about using some silver ones for a arm design for the alpha Baterra.


I just upgraded the front handle as I wasn’t really liking the other one as much. So I upgraded it to look what I feel would be more natural.

Also continuing the comic. It’s dark now and he’s heading back to base.

Then before Odium could even react zombie Matoro ripped the Baterra in half.

Now Odium is frozen and can barely move.

He tries to move to start his chainsaw. But the fule froze too.

Now having the attention of the zombified creature. He stops and tries not to breath.

Now it comes up close to his face.

But for some reason it shows no interest in Odium at all and bolts away. Hope you all enjoy :grin::+1: