Self Moc and Random Rahi
Both positive and negative comments are appreciated
Going to show off Makuta Nightmare next (on the right)
I like mocs
I dont like painted pieces
I like. Riding MOCs are really interesting. I have never built one, and I think you have inspired me to try.
I am afraid that the concept of having a Makuta named “Nightmare” is already taken by Ekorak N. Deathwing. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Oh no, I’ll have to check it out and change the name
I’ll change the name to Makuta Midnight if that’s not taken
Not that I know of. Certainly not in my stories (:P)
Holy crap, that riding MOC (the rahi specifically) is awesome. I feel inferior right now.
Jaw drops before JMP kneels down
I have met my maker.
try it!! it’s fun:D
These mocs are definitely intimidating! and I always love to see a pakari implemented into a chest normally I would object to painting on pieces (typically for either bad application, or for parts that just don’t fit with the moc) , but I really do like the coloring and the weathering!
the dragon is pretty swoot