Toa Serjic, My Self-MOC

A very worthwhile improvement.

Personally I like the original better, but both are fantastic!

The second really looks better.
Vey gold and very spikey.

I think it would be cool if you incorporated Brutaka’s mask somewhere in there…
Also, the forearms are a great improvement, but compared to the rest of the moc, plain CCBS isn’t the best followup… even though it’s miles in fromt of the old forearm.
Great Job.

I like how the yellow feet slowly blend into the gold.

kinda wish you used a different gold mask. It doesn’t fit the moc all that well

A selfmoc, a representation of oneself that they create can often be very personal.
Unlike many mocs, the mask of a selfmoc is often the most intimate thing about it.
People often choose a mask because they identify with it, or it has special significance to them.
Most people won’t just change something like that…