Toa Tuyet The Tyrant: Contest entry ( moc)

I depict the Tuyet who is ultra powered by the Makoki stone’s shards, and as she is corrupted in spirit wanted to make her body look corrupted (mutated almost) with all the red and protruding barbs, the Avokhi represents her taking it as a trophy from a defeated Takanuva, which would have been the case had the portal not severed her. the trans pieces connecting to the Avokhi represent water flowing from her hand, she has the barbed broadsword and all. I made her custom articulate hands (my own design) and a system buil brainstalk, note the file has a bunch of faulty collision errors which are non illegal connections possible in real life.
part count:1090 almost every build aspect is custom
custom parts once again by Galvanized: the claw mold x2, the tyrant Nui blade, the Kanohi Felnas, and custom Metru head (thx again)
custom parts link:

model link:

with violet dark blue:

with dark blue:

I prefer the Violet-Dark Blue because it is not different with the program than in real lifefor as is both this the rubber and normal dark blue variations

breakdown photos:



A beastly, towering, and terrifying tyrant!

This is frightfully epic!


The colors really do not mesh well.


These breakdown photos are hardly comprehensive. Breaking apart the colour portions doesn’t explain how they go together.

Also, you really got ahead of the crowd - Tuyet’s another six contests away still.


Wow… That’s probably one of the most complex builds I have ever seen!


Well… it is chunky and big… and kinda intimidating…

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I had an idea to make her so I was eager to post her, I’ll still make Artakha and the rest though, and ill post breakdown photos according to your suggestions thx

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Well, she’s extra thicc, I’ll give her that much


Seems quite a bit too chunky to me, if anything. And I’m pretty sure the Tuyet contest hasn’t been voted as going next?

edit: assuming this is for the contest.


I agree with most of criticisms but I really your appreciate how creative your approach was. Btw, do the contests only allow mocs because I have plenty of art to work but not enough parts and skills to recreate in lego form


The contests have an art section and a MOCing section.

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Reminds me of the dark hunter; collector.
Interesting ideas here.

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Although a cool concept, I cannot say I am particularly a fan. Besides the lack of feminine resemblance (shoulders stick out too far, no hips – and yes, I am aware this is supposed to be a semi-mutated hulking titan), there’s just so much going on here: all the greebles, colors, and textures make it hard to tell apart parts of the body. I’d recommend focusing more on color coordination (for example, you’re making a build with yellow. Yellow would be armor, the yellow parts will all try to be smooth, and will always go on top of red), and practicing different body types (I noticed this body-type is a trend in your builds) as a start.


It is something. Reminds me of my old Makuta contest entry.


Good tips

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I wouldn’t like to find that guy while going home. Cool moc.


You have peculiar style. I am not super fan of it but I sure like it. Resolution of front view pics is awful(deconstruction’s too). Lol I’ve upscaled them
Wow idea of deconstruction pics is amazing. Also these gaps in hips are cathcing my eye not in good way


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Uh, she’s a little…big.


This isn’t how I imagine Tuyet but it’s an incredibly intricate and creative MOC nonetheless.