Token The Savage Knight


Changed category.
Friendly reminder that Lego Creations exists.


My only issues are the black feet and the red axles/blue pins, and the open socket on the knees.

That’s about it though, everything else looks great!


There’s something seriously wrong with the proportions, but I can’t quite place it.


agree with the red and blue pins issue

Not feeling the rubber-band on the chest to hold the Zesk helmet, but the build is still pretty good.

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well its meant to look a little messy

Red and blue pins aside, this is great.

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I love his knightly wastelander look! All the pieces work well together…well almost (orange thumb?) I’d also recommend switching the upper arm plate with something grey to match the shins

thanks of the feed back

Oh, you might want to edit your first post to give some detail on that so as to make your intentions clear and avoid confusion. A backstory for this guy would be cool, too.

Although, I don’t necessarily think red axles and blue pins = intentionally messy. I think there’s ways you could do that other than using colors that don’t really work with the MOC itself, perhaps something like asymmetry or colors closer to what he has like darker browns.

true to that

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Not bad not bad, textures clash a bit and the butt armour looks goofy, other than that, not bad at all.

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I like the tattered, barbaric look the Vorox armor and all those spikes give him.

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Looks awsome dude!

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I’m more curious to know what the orb he’s looking at is.

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The ord is a pearl dragon eye

why a dragon?

Can I use him to play an arcade game?


No no no