Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: Gtg.

“Y’don’t think I haven’t thought 'bout that?” Bootleg rhetorically asks Gladius.

@BlackBeltGamer98 Razorwing was still with Firestorm.

@KAI_BORG @Toa_Vladin @Ace Ironclad touches down in the valley and reverts to robot mode.


Firestorm was keeping quiet, he was worried for Cybertron.

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“So, could you elaborate on the whole Spark link thing?” Razorwing requests.

Firestorm shrugs, “All I know is that our Sparks are connected; everything else that could be presumed is going to be wild guesses in the dark.” He told Razorwing out loud.

“We should check if there is anything left of that craft the Flatheads used to attack us; there could be something that could help or hinder us in some way.” Dark said.

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“Alright then,” Razorwing says. “I gotta say this is a first for me.”

The Minicon Knight hears Dark’s comment. “Yeah, good idea.”

He wondered if there was a way to “switch off” the mind link temporarily, just so he and Firestorm weren’t invading each other’s privacy.

OOC: in class rn, sorry

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OOC: all good.

IC: Gladius, Bootleg, and the ex-Autobots were in the bar, watching the video feed from the drone.

It was able to do so but was still active at all times at a minimal level.

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“Well, right now Ironclad and some other guys are going off to fight the Seacons,” he says. “Doohickey’s set up a drone so we can all watch from the bar.”

Razorwing was working to try and put the link into a sort of “standby mode.”

It does so.

Razorwing does not react.

“So, Bootleg,” Doohickey says. “You weren’t with the others on Velocitron, right? How’d you die?”

Bootleg, relieved to have a distraction from his current dilemma, was more than happy to share the story of his misadventure in prison.

Firestorm didn’t react either.

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Razorwing cracks his knuckles.

“Aight, so,” Bootleg begins. “I was an inmate at Kaon prison, y’see? Well, Mordo was doin’ time for somethin’ I can’t remember off the top o’ my head. He got bailed out ‘cause he was, y’know, savin’ the world an’ some such. Anyway, two days later, I decide I’m gettin’ out. So I rip off my own leg so the the guards’ll get me to sick bay. After that, I was gonna disable the lock on my guns and force the doc to let me out.”

“But you bled out instead,” Doohickey deduces. “Yeah, not a great plan.”

Bootleg shrugs. “Looked like one at the time.”

Firestorm didn’t react.

“So, what’s happening?” Razorwing asks, trying to make noise.


“When does ripping off a limb ever sound like a good plan?” Doohickey asks.

“Well, when you can pop it back on in a pinch…” Bootleg begins.

“What do you mean?” He asks.

“Well, how’s it going?” Razorwing rephrases his question. “What’s up?”


“Not much.” Firestorm replied. “We need to find help; why did Primus have to make it so hard?” He asks.

“He is supposed to be a deity of peace and yet he condones that himself and his own children be condemned to the tryanny of a mad warmonger; he is not in his right mind.” He said.

He looks up. “I know he can hear me but I don’t care; the guy needs to wake up and know that what he is doing is going to end up being what ends all that he had worked so hard to build.” Firestorm takes a deep breath. “If Primus wanted to die, he should’ve just let Unicron devour him.”

Dark looked at Firestorm, “Kid, you are being given the chance to prove him wrong; our race may ‘crave war and conflict’ but who cares? We can just live our lives in peace and any war or conflict waged will be the result of self-defense against outside forces that have ill intentions towards us, not within.”

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“Yeah, I’ve been thinking that, too,” Razorwing agrees. “I know Primus thinks that Nova’ll prevent some horrible civil war or whatever, but from the sound of things you guys were getting along just fine before he started all this slag.”

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