Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

So, King-Quan would have tracked their signal with some means and because of how much the Salvation was on the ground, he was able to pinpoint its location?

No; itā€™s more likely that King-Quan was already a member of Salvationā€™s crew.

Bruh, how does that even fit the narrative, I mean as a story perspective. He never has appeared before, what would make him appear now?

Maybe King-Quanā€™s decided to step up his game after the last battle, and he just wasnā€™t doing anything significant up until now?

I mean, I suppose. I just want to make a consistent story with my characters in your RP so yeah, that is why I am asking. I suppose Iā€™ll come up with something.


Lucinaā€™s the best sword fighter in Smash

I think itā€™s about time to, I dunno, actually remember that I have a third characterā€¦

Except Chrom is her daddy! (Time Travel Shenanigans) He taught her everything she knows, but not everything he knows. That and they arenā€™t even FROM smash. I donā€™t know why I have to keep explaining this. Theyā€™re from Fire Emblem: Awakening! Number 3 on my list of best games of All Time.

Both my least and most favorite type of shenanigans

None of the playable characters are, unless you count Mii Fighters

Out of, like, my top five characters I like to play, I only am experienced with the games one of them is from.

If you have a 3ds, get FE: Awakening. Itā€™s worth it. You know a good game when it goes UP in value from the original retail price

Also, itā€™s well done Time Travel shenanigans.

I have nothing besides a Wii, Wii U, and a PS4.

Still own my three favorites games ever, and then some.

So, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? I enjoy well done stuff.

Iā€™ve never seen it.

Basically, Luciana, (and a bunch of the children of other characters) travel to the past to prevent the doomed future they come from. More details ruin the story.

Also, the 3ds is a fabulous system, with a positively MASSIVE catalogue of 3ds, ds, and Virtual Console games.

Agents is like this except they go to the doomed future, do some fun stuff, get back, and then have to make sacrifices to keep that future from happening. Itā€™s pretty insane.

Similar, but you get to control, (to a degree, the children are tied to the mothers) who has which child, thanks to the support system.

@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister so Blight has an older sister now. Itā€™ll be interesting to see how she takes Juliana. And Laslow takes Blight.

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@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister Caedia needs to see Facelift to get her jet mode installed.

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Oh, sorry, I thought it was similar to the thing in TotGA where you just find a panel and upload it to yourself. Was that something different, or has the technology not been invented yet?

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Yeah; the technology doesnā€™t exist yet at this point in the timeline.

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Ah, neat. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve noticed an absurd amount of changes in technology. History, for sure. Anyways, Iā€™ve removed it.


What would you think about the Splitter brothers getting a makeover in appearance to match Split?
I wouldnā€™t change their abilities or anything, Iā€™d probably just change their alt modes to be the same thing and make them a little more similar to Split in Robot mode.

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I donā€™t mind at all. You could say their appearances got changed when Facelift rebuilt them.

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