Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

Before Grimlock would start spitting fire (OOC: although once again, when he hit he was in robot mode) Gronius would try to turn himself back to robot mode and to quickly launch himself in the air, punching Grimlock’s chin with both fists.

OOC: What? When? Grimlock was in beast mode when he slammed into the wall. When did I say he transformed?

Given how hurt he was, Gronius wouldn’t be able to make it very far. He hit with enough force to knock Grimlock’s head up just before the flames started, so if he was fast he could run away to either side and avoid a well cooked fate.

Backbreaker shrugs.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” he says.

Oddball sighs again, and points out to the fight taking place beyond the tribunes.

OOC: You know I thought this whole time these two were watching from the commons and now I feel a little oblivious… Eh. Whatever. I’ll play as it is.

IC: Maximus watched the battle. On one hand, he felt bad, as he knew what must be going through Gronius’ head. The fear and panic of facing an enemy so overwhelmingly stronger than himself. On the other hand…
“Hmph. Jerk. He gets what he deserves.”
Maximus said.

“I dunno…” Backbreaker says, casting a doubtful glance back to the carnage.

Fwoo-trill-dee,” Oddball comments.

“Sorry. I’m with Maxi on this one. Yeah the whole union slag might be noble or whatever, but he’s a demanding spawn of a glitch, and the biggest aft I’ve met since we got here. Hopefully a good thrashing will knock him down a peg or two and teach him a little humility.”
Axis commented. Seeing that she was here, Maximus sat down next to his friend.

“Yeah, but this isn’t a thrashing,” Backbreaker replies. "This is… well, savage.

“Not any worse than what Maximus went through.”
Axis pointed out.

“At least his was over quick,” Backbreaker points out.

Zzzzzt-bwip!” Oddball comments, miming Grimlock tearing off the arm of an unfortunate opponent. It wasn’t clear just what point the little guy was trying to make.

Most of Gronius’ wounds were healed as the SHASC did its magic.
Gronius, in his dragon mode, did so, and jumped behind Grimlock, before catching him by his tail and trying to throw him on the other side of the arena.

“COME ON, DEVIL! COME ON! SHOW ME WHAT YOU HAVE YOU DUMB, UGLY DEMON!” Gronius yelled angrily, obviously fear not being the feeling that took over him.

Maximus watched as the two fought.
“Maybe this is a little much, but I still think he deserves it. At least somewhat.”

OOC: And you tried to call bs on how I wouldn’t respond to your attacks.
Seriously, you can’t have a device that just magically undoes everything I do.

Do to the significant difference in size and weight, Gronius was completely incapable of moving Grimlock. The dinobot then took this opportunity to slam his tail on the ground, bringing Gronius down with it.

Grimlock roared with fury. He would make sure to make a particularly gruesome example of this one when he got the chance.

OOC: Not everything, most. And don’t forget that you are the one who allowed it.

Gronius let go of his tail before it would be too late. However, Gronius would still loose his balance.

“Come on! Reptile vs reptile! Show me what you got!”
He knew he couldn’t beat Grimlock, but if he was going to loose in front of him, at least he could make a show out of it in front of the audience and of the other gladiators, to cover up at least some of his failure.
He already beat Maximus’ record anyway, the longest record that was before him. Every single second he was spending in the arena was rewriting history in of itself.

OOC: You never said the healing would be that extensive. You need to tone it back.

Grimlock quickly turned around. Taking the moment while his opponent was still unbalanced, he attempted to kick him down and pin the predacon down under his foot.

OOC:…because there isn’t a limit for the healing. Only you are the one who determines how extensive or least extensive it is, by how much power you throw at me.

Gronius is hit, but roles out of the way before he could be pinned down.
Gronius opens his wings and takes off again, before throwing a long jet of fire around Grimlock, attempting to disorient him in all the smoke.

Grimlock responded with his own flame breath. The roaring fire far greater than Gronius’ own. Overpowering the blast and sending a wall of flame directly at the predacon.

Gronius was way too fast in the air for Grimlock’s fire which, combined with his own, would cause an even bigger firewall around him, which might disorient him even more.
With this in ming, Gronius picked the perfect moment to ram from the air into Grimlock from behind, just like he did a while ago that caused into the Dinobot falling to the floor.

With sight failing him, Grimlock focused in on the sounds around him. The roaring flames… The cheering fans… And the beating wings of the enemy.

He lifted his tail, and threw it down at just the right moment, swatting the predacon out of the air.

Mhm,” Backbreaker grumbles, not entirely in agreement. He shifts his gaze back to the fight.

Vwoo-doo-bip?” Oddball asks, cocking head as he looks at Maximus and Axis.

“Sorry pal. You’re gonna have to write or something because I can’t understand a thing you say.”
Axis said.

Oddball emits and aggravated buzzing sound as his eyes briefly flash a darker shade of blue. He turns away.

“Oh yeah, that’s Oddball,” Backbreaker introduces the bot, nodding his head toward him.

“At least, that’s what people call him around here.”