TTV: Civil War - Third Time's the Charm

Oh, you think you’re the only one who can Kamen Rider OOO?

Behold: Kamen Rider Kahi, also known as KRK


Nah, @Celica_Jones can do that. :wink:

And by that I mean she can introduce me to that purple stud she hangs around with.


True. See both have 1 thing in common: they’re too lazy to finish what they started

he’s a pretty cool guy

should invite him to the villains pub some day, I wonder why we haven’t

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Are we even fighting anymore? TeamKahi is non-existent, TeamEljay is chatting, and TeamRevolution is sitting pretty.

We’re pretty much just chatting at this point.


Though it kind of hurts to see Tajador on the opposing side.

No matter, we still have Gatakiriba!

Currently analyzing info on Kahee so #TeamLJ members can trash talk him.


Eljay’s Stand 「M E S O N A K 」shall be the judge


I can do better kahi suporter…CARD GAMES ON MOTOR CYCLES i am on a phone so no pictur

Your point falls apart when he is known as the “Lawyer at Leisure”

Personally I kind of like Red. But I prefer message boards blue.

When will you all learn.
That your struggles are futile.
Team Lobster will win.

It is snowing on Mt. Fuji…

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Well I haven’t betrayed anyone in a while.

but, @IronKahi


Every one stop fighting!!! Cant you see this is tearing us apart!

I will be the one guy to run up to eljay, kick him, grab the shield the go woop woop woop, while running away. With the shield, mind you.

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Sorry, no can do cuz

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Hey team lobster, want to be allies? We shall trancsend memes and fufill dreams.

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I am team eljay but heres a meme CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!

Sure why not…
Because I have no idea ho that is.