TTV Episode 142 Discussion Topic

I believe that if Jaller wore the mask for a long time Lhikan’s imprint would fade away and be replaced by Jaller’s…

Think of a Mask like a Memory Card. One that only has enough room for one save file.

So like, when Jaller put on the mask, and it shifted forms, that was symbolic of the mask’s old save file being overwritten.

And so when Takutanuva infused the mask with life force, it restored from it’s Last Known Save.


Man, talk about a Bionicle reboot.


So does it just save periodically? Because if so, Jaller wouldn’t remember dying, which he does, as we see in Inferno,

I imagine it’s like, constantly autosaving. Sorta like Google Drive.

What if the file got corrupted combining Jaller and lhikan? I know it didn’t happen but what if?

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Sounds legit. Probably the best way to visualize that :+1:


I remembered something from Mask of Light: the Movie.

When Takanuva is talking with Turaga Vakama, Takanuva says, “My duty is clear.” Then he looks at Jaller’s mask. “Jaller’s sacrifice will not be in vain.”

Then the very next scene shows the Ussanui being assembled.

Maybe he did use Jaller’s body parts in it.

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That YouTube comment string!
Eljay: Lemme cut off half my tongue so I can’t properly pronounce words and we’ll be like blood brothers!
Kahi: It wouldn’t be fair to you unless I cut out half of my brain too.

That moment when @IllustriousVar pronounces Fikou as “FIE-Koo”.

When did that happen?

I have always done that.

I always said Fee-kuo.

I saw that! and my sides keep hurting.

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