so anyone getting the remake of pokemata: omega tahu and alpha kopaka?
or maybe you have the legend of tuma a mata to between worlds? or maybe super tuma land 3D?
what about pokemata xeljay and ynotuma and we must not forget…tuma kart 7 or even kid mata nui:uprising
oh and ninjolego reeljayed which is soon to be released
(post more game puns) EDIT: thank you kahi for changing the name I guess
cant believe I forgot tuma hunter 3 and mata nui’s new island, and super smash mardi gras 4! EDIT: I forgot forgot about new super tuma bros 2, kahi wright vs professor eljay, dankey tuma cantry returns 3D, starviper 64 3D, tuma golf world tour, kahi wright ace in the hole attorney, tuma story 3D, ebay and venom dram team, venom crossing new leaf, vens mansion 2 dark mooooonnn, legend of tuma vahi of time 3D, eljay knight, and for the final one I can think of kingdom farts 3D drip distance! (I have nothing against kingdom hearts or any other of these amazing video games)
now onto my personal favorite console PS2 games!
meso and eljay 3: up your mnog
varderean and autopsy: the bionicle legacy
kingdom lord of skull spiders 1
kingdom lord of skull spiders 2
bonicle: eljay aint a hero
bonicle: the gam
kahi glass payne
kingdom lord of skull spiders RE: chain of tumas
spuderman 2
final mardi gras XII!
meso and eljay 2: going insane
metal gear tuma
metal gear tuma 2: sons of lewa
metal gear tuma 3: food eater
meso cooper 3: honour among mardi gras
meso and eljay 1
var 3: lets just forget var 4 the lost hero factory never happened
final mardi gras X
omega tahu of war
omega of tahu sands of hero factory
meso of the colossus
PS: please note these are puns a lot make no sense and frankly shouldn’t
here I am generous today will be a double!
vens mansion
dankey tuma jangle beat you
Pokemata XD gale of erm nothing!
tuma party 4
tuma kart double dash
pik-ale-sorry going 2 finish
super tuma strikers
super eljay rolling around in a ball!
super tuma do you feel the sunshine?
vipertroid prime ham 2: voices bouncing of walls
paper tuma: the thousand year door
venom crossing
super samsh mardi gras: melee not range
the legend of tuma: toa of twilight
the legend of tuma: windmaker
vipertroid prime ham 1