TTV Questions & Answers!

Eljay, in one of your Q&A vids, you mentioned how you recorded all the 04’ review in one night. Did you do this with all the BIONICLE years you have gone over so far?

Oh, goodness no. As of now, 04 is the only one that’s worked out with. When it comes to recording these, I have to do them in bursts due to how hot the room gets while filming. I hope this changes during the winter so that I can record them in longer sessions, however.


Will you be reviewing the 2015 Summer Wave sets?

You’ve mentioned this before, but now I’m curious, why does the room get so hot? Surely your lights can’t produce that much heat.

Yes, he already said he will be.

I know the feeling. taking pictures upstairs never works well.

You’ve never worked under good film lights have you? :stuck_out_tongue:


They do. I use two black lamps which get very, very hot. I also occasionally (possibly used to use) a former heat lamp originally designed for a chicken coup. And finally the rooms standard lights as well. All of this without any open windows makes for a very exhausting film session. Thankfully, due to my move, that may actually change for the better.


@Mesonak , @IllustriousVar, @Eljay, @Kahi, @Viper, and @Venom, how often do each of you MOC?

Depends on when we want to do a new contest.

Not very often. My first MOC since I was a kid was at NYCC, with my Magnum Opus, the Divine Other. I’m wanting to start again.


What would make you dive back in?

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A forceful kick in his calix-wearing face.


I have done it in the past, but I usually lose pieces when I do it so I stopped.


Will you guys do more game times? and any more FNAF ones?

and what do you guys think about people that think that you not only do not talk about BIONICLE enough, but also that you need to talk about nothing but BIONICLE?

I have a certain person in mind.

It comes with the territory. We’re going to get that regardless, especially as we grow, and I’m not going to lose sleep over it.


Yeah, thanks! I actually find it more interesting when you are talking about other things.

some people I guess.

I MoC basically all the time, but I rarely post them. Often times it’s because I don’t think they’re worth posting, other times I just get lazy and forget. The biggest contributor, though, is that I lack a good camera for photography. :stuck_out_tongue:



Have you recreated Ven’s MOC of you?

You mentioned its a routine server outage, as such wondering if there is any method of predicting when this sort of thing will happen so users can know when/if the server is going to be down at a certain time/day? Feel this might alleviate some worrying :stuck_out_tongue:



ah ok, thanks for replying