TTV Questions & Answers!

I second this, can we?


I dunno about banning. I’d say “PRAiSE SOlek!!!11!!!1” spam should be banworthy but the occasional Solek joke would be fine. Think along the line of famous movie sayings like “Bye Felicia”. But I have no say anyways so it’s up to the TTV members.

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What has been your guys worst experience over the internets? As in people being jerks or just all around creepy? I myself have made a few bad jokes to cast members and came across as creepy but meaning to be funny :laughing: I need to use more of these -> /s

I’m done with them. I’ve had it up to here with those “jokes”. Not funny, not humorous, not noticeable, and a good way for me to automatically dismiss whatever you are going to say.

Sorry, it’s just so derivative. People aren’t creative anymore.

Me and Eljay once did an interview with a guy who opened our call on webcam without a ■■■■■ on. That was pretty weird.


Truth be told I don’t know if I could pick one. But the worst probably have to be the ones who are either ignorant of their faux pas or do a really bad job of disguising it. What I can say definitively is that on BZP I deal with more jerks and on TTV I deal with more creeps.


@TakumaNuva Nice MOC. Can you post a topic on it?

What is TTVs deal with the BZPower community? You guys don’t seem to be… True fans.

I remember the last time I made a “True Fan” club. It was controversial.

In any case, it seems that a lot of people around here forget or are unaware that I am a BZP staff member.


Is it the same as always? Or different people.

Hope he had abs and not flabs.

Are TTV planning to do a Force Awakens ep. for TTV Talks?

We’d be stupid not to put one out sometime after it releases.


When will more ■■■■■ designs come out?

But… We have our own wiki…

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@Goldgoodguy DUDE IT IS A DEAD HORSE YOUR KICKING A DEAD HORSE! IT IS LITERALLY CUT IN HALF AND COVERED IN BLOOD! Just kidding! Also TTV do you plan on coming out with more merchandise? I wouldn’t mind a Meso mug! lol

What does it take to be in a moc review and WHAT DOES THE KAHI SAY!!!

Yeah, one more useless site on the internet, do the world a favor and stop.

No one answered my questions. I imagine this is either due to my questions being unworthy or due to their placement in the wake of the RaptorTalon appropriateness controversy. I’ll post them here again, in hope of answers. If they’re ignored again, I’ll keep my peace. :grinning:

Let me guess, the only thing you know about the Solek community, is that it’s an annoying meme spammed on the TTV comment section.

Man, i’m getting tired of this stereotype of Solekians… Yes the Solek spam on TTV’s videos can be annoying, but it really isn’t the only thing we do.

Btw, the Solekian “meme” is actually some what complex if you actually take some time to research about it. It’s not just “S0l3k 1s gr34t” and that’s it.

I have also seen it starting to rear its ugly head around google plus and other websites. and I am sick to death of it. I am sure you people have some odd, bootleg reasoning for it, other then to tick off a TTV host. and right now, That meme is ticking off more then one host, and more then one fan. I have nothing against the people taking part in it, and there is a time and place. But that is not all times, and all places.


Alright, that seems pretty reasonable, but what do you mean about Google +? Is it the Cult of Solek group? If that’s the case, then i don’t really see the problem, because then you can atleast avoid the group.

The Solek jokes and memes, they be all over the place on there. prolly cause everyone is sharing them.

Anyway, back to asking TTV questions.

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