TTVengers: Civil War Trailer

He’s not with us…

The Wretch cannot win honorably so he results to treachery.
That, is why you fail.

Looked like it


This is it. the final battle

“Then Die!”


######If it’s any consolation, I said ‘don’t let TeamKahi do this to you’…


Yes, and you shall fall.

“To know your enemy you’ve gotta know your friend!” - Dan from The Fold in some Ninjago song…

Thanks. I had a gif, but it was too big.

When does Team Eljay get cool swag?

This is where the fight is?

All the time

None of the time.

I want a badge to show my allegience

Hey guys I’m giving out free Fero-electric slugs. in your heads. :dizzy_face: :gun:

Who wants one?

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I liked the trailer, the animation was overall good some of the mouth movements were strange, same with when character were jumping, but other than that the “your audio quality is poor” line was a bit cringeworthy. I liked it overall though


“I don’t think, oh, ---- it.”

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Hey,Team Kahi Scrub-Bags! Where’s your list of team members?

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They say that for only about 2 out of 10 people contain above average intelligence. I think that the number of people on Team Eljay is fair proof of it.

You know how best to control a pawn? Make them think they are anything but.


I don’t appreciate someone who doesn’t know me insulting my intelligence. Really. Don’t.