Tuyet or not Tuyet, That is the Question

It’s finally done… Tuyet my beloved.

I’ve actually been at this for a while, when I started to see where the wind was blowing that no Greenmonga was going to seal my fate, I decided to just go ahead and get a head start on Tuyet. I decided it’d be a good idea to just draw Tuyet as a silhouette and go ham on the background, so when it came time for the contest to actually start, I’d have a huge head start to just draw whatever Tuyet ended up winning…

We all know how that ended up. But, I decided to throw together my own Tuyet design for Duckbricks’ contest and throw my hat in the ring as well.

I also recorded the last half (more or less) as a timelapse. I wish I’d thought to start recording from the beginning, but it only picks up around when I start working on Tuyet herself. Still, I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.

Tuyet Painting Timelapse - YouTube

Tuyet or not Tuyet on DeviantArt


oh wow
that looks amazing!

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That is straight up amazing!

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Fantastic, love that the stone has the mata nui face craved on it

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Very nice! was it inspired by any particular moc?


This looks really good! I like how the Nui Stone creates an ominous shadow over the whole thing.

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I feel like this would’ve won the contest, easily.


This is incredible!


Man, this is something else

You’re really giving other Bionicle artists a run for their money


Amazing artwork, I like the pose and the sculptures on the throne.
It doesn’t matter who will win the contest. I think there are countless Tuyet in the multiverse, and yours is undoubtedly a powerful and evil one.


Oh shooot, that’s sick!


Not particularly, but I guess because I went in expecting to draw whatever moc would’ve won, it’s basically me taking my favorite trends and mashing them together- the black armor, (sorta) metru build, and khingk’s mask. That being said, I really tried to make sure I didn’t reuse any actual builds or designs, though with those lower legs I saw some parallel thinking going on.

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This artwork is really cool. The overall quality is good, but I particularly like the design itself. I like how I can pick out individual Bionicle parts, but they’re still stylized enough to be unique and blend together.

The sword is also a very nice design.

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This looks utterly fantastic. I love the detail in the throne, having portions of it be held up by tiny Toa is a rad design. I also really dig that your Tuyet has textures that are obviously representative of real LEGO pieces, but with some artistic license applied to make them flow together better.