Tuyet, the democratic. (And she really cares about your opinion.)

It’s work, it’d be really loose though, at least in lower bicep area.

The part with biceps is held in place by the blade piece, it’s probably a bit fragile though

I’m most concerned about this part on the lower arm with 2 blades, thought It looks good I don’t have those parts to check how stable it would work
In theory two blades should wedge togethet holding against each-other without falling down, but I’d really appreciate if someone who has those parts tests it.

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Now I finally know how Lhikan’s head looks like behind the mask…

Dark theme vs Light theme



Why would you do this? lol

the droid arms are like 28.83 USD each, oof

Or are they supposed to be silver? if so my bad (However silver ones of those pieces don’t exist :thinking:)

This isn’t the cursed topic.

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Yeah I know. It’s gonna be pearl dark gray anyway now, much cheaper then metal blue ones.


Very nice I like the mata blue one a bit more. Also does anyone know if there will be a height mandate?

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There will not. There are height recommendations, and certain scales are definitely more popular amongst the community, but nothing is mandatory.


Good to know thanks.

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Just hope everyone won’t hate the idea of her using a modified metru build.
We just had Hagah so everyone might be tired of seing metru, but then there is Lhikan with metru and there is a gear function that allows her to swing the sword.