A creature of beauty born of a once broken shell, Tynne carries the grace of a dancer, the passion of a storm and the patience of the ocean.
Korrothis! The word fills the mind of many matoran with visions of awe and glory. This holy place, lit by the light of Mata-Nui’s heart (so it is said) is the home of the Elemental Council, and countless wonders beyond imagining. It is here that a young Tynne made her way.
Tynne lived on the Northern Continent amid a mountainside village of other Vo-Matoran. Life was simple, if a bit isolated. Everything changed when a bridge she and her sisters were working collapsed with her on it. The resulting fall left her broken with a damaged nervous system which despite efforts of the healers of the village just would not fix.
After getting sick and tired of being sick and tired, Tynne decided to travel to the Island of Korrothis. This was no small feat… but make it she did, after a long and painful journey… only to find they had been right. The island was gone. In its place was left but a sandbank - a thorny rim of land around a large bay that had once held the island… there were others here, though. A matoran named Gimlas (who himself had escaped from Karzahni) took her in for the meantime to work in his restaurant in the main (and only) town, Karekkik.
She stayed here for a few years, before an Archon from Korrothis named Puhana arrived on their little spit of an island. The people were elated to meet someone from Korrothis! But her coming was shadowed with mystery. Why did nobody come before? And she was acting suspicious… eventually the people learned what Puhana already knew - their island sat atop an entrance to the mysterious Shadowcaverns; a realm of strange, depraved creatures, Shadow matoran, Zyglak and, worse, the barbaric slavers known as Ja’kat.
When Puhana disappeared and Ja’kat terrorised the island, Tynne teamed up with a group of matoran mercenaries to rescue her. They found her, but she was very badly injured… Puhana released her Toa Energy into Tynne, triggering her own transformation into a Toa. Using her now active Mask of Sensory Aptitude and able to move freely, Tynne was able to lead the others back out of the treacherous caverns and back to the surface… where Turaga Puhana passed away.
Now acting as guardian of the Isle of Thorns, Tynne kept vigil against further attacks from below, with the help of her friends. Korrothis would soon return and dock several times in the bay it left behind, but Tynne decided she would never leave the island when it took to the skies again - her place was to stay and defend the pilgrims who came to the Isle of Thorns. But she trained with the archons when the island was docked.
Despite a growing feelings of mutual affection with the young Le-Nui, Gringat, it took the start of the Destiny War to uproot Tynne from the Isle of Thorns. After Makuta Teridax siezed control of the Matoran Universe, she joined the archons and lords to assist in the battle against his forces.
When Spherus Magna was reformed, Mata-Nui used the Mask of Life to make some changes to the matoran to help them survive. An increased independence from his energies and the ability to use their fusion ability to create new matoran from pieces of themselves. Gringat and Tynne were among the first to do this, and created two; Tangri and Nilmador.
Tynne would later become one of the founding settlers of the lost world of Atmos Magna, discovered in Great Being writings hidden in a vault on Spherus Magna… Korrothis flew once again for one final time, with Gringat leading the way. The Akonian descendents of those settlers remember her only in myth and legend… but there are some who say the Bride of the Sky still yet lives… somewhere…
So, yeah.
Tynne is a fairly recent MOC (ie, made about 6 months back) who was made mainly to use the violet colour from the old technic Jango Fett set from… ooh 2002? 2003? As far as I know there haven’t been any other technic bits in that colour since.
As a CHARACTER though, she’s existed for years. She first appeared in a BRPG group I ran on MOCpages called the “Isle of Thorns”. The other matoran mentioned in her story above were player characters, and events were WAY more complicated than what I could explain just here ^^;
Tynne is also the first MOC I ever made a bricklink order for. I needed another butt brick :v
EDIT: Here’s a WIP pic of her from January
EDIT: Redid her shoulders last Saturday
So I just happened to be at my parents’ house tonight (where all my parts are still) and had a chance to fiddle around. I looked at some anatomical stuff on Deviantart and decided Tynne’s neck is fine as is. It’s her shoulders that are too low - they should have been in line with the base of her neck.
So as well as adding neck articulation with a 3L lightsaber rod (I love these things) I also fiddled around with those new 90 degree connectors that came with the Protector of Fire, and got something that maybe works a little better? She looks a little more squared across the shoulders, but maybe that’s not so bad for a Toa Guardian?