Check out
I like it except for the gold on the legs, otherwise it’s pretty solid
This once again makes me wish the jaw was gold because the MOC is really good buut the jaw gets lost in the chest.
The textures here clash a lot although it’s nice to see he’s more filled in.
Really nice, it looks better than the original.
the inner torso looks a bit gappy.
There could be more gold throughout the overall build, but other than that, the MOC looks very well done.
Let’s see Ekimu knock THIS ALPHA’S mask off!!!
Oh, it’s not a problem with your Moc. the problem is the piece itself
This basicly just Umarak the destroyer on (more) steroids.
Sooner or later the guy might suffer a faital heart crystal attack.
Now this, I like.
Umarak went to Bulk City Farms and came home with a little more beef.
I like what’s been added to Alpha/Destroyer quite a lot. True, I wish perhaps either there was more gold spread just a little bit about, as the amount just on the legs and mask in this instance seems an odd choice, but otherwise I really dig the bulkier legs, and the crystal parts, once on the arms, now bursting from his back. Nice use of the part to fill in the area.
Also enjoy the Corroder parts used on the arms. Kind of adds to the whole spiky motif going on with Destroyer.
Are the lower legs just the black, first-wave HF legs? I don’t like the smoothness of the leg armor but I do like that it retains that extra bend in the back of the leg as Umarak’s had.
I’m going to stay out of this one’s way, that’s for sure.
Thanks I might add some gold but I don’t have much rt now. & yeah I had everything else done so I just slapped these lower legs & feet on. & this is what I got!
@squeaverking Yeah I hate the original design
Do not double post. Thank you. -Eljay
@Ogbizarro Hey, just so you know, Double Posting is against the rules of the site. I edited your post so it contained both posts in it. Please, use the pencil button and edit your posts if you want to add more to them.
Ok thanks
This revamp is AMAZING
I love it
Nice! you really filled out the character!
great work!