Until recently I thought I had discovered all there was about the CCBS action figures. Be it gear functions like the Toa Masters, or the waist articulation of the Uniters, or some not even having a function, made just for posing like General Grievous.
That’s when I discovered K-2S0 and Skull Basher. I was very surprised and pleased when I discovered a new way to implement a play function into CCBS figures, where you push or wiggle a button on their back to make their arms swing around.
Not sure how I stayed in the dark for so long about this gimmick but it made me think, what did y’all think of this feature when you discovered/built it for the first time? And are there any additional CCBS functions out there that you find unique and fun?
Never seen the K-2S0 one before, but it seems pretty interesting. I remember the skull basher function being really fun and novel when I first played with it, though I didn’t build it so I don’t know how easy/fun it was to build.
I had K-2S0 growing up and I really liked how they did it. There is no rubber bands but rather using a soft ribbed tube that is being used as a spring within the mechanism. I honestly wish there was more stuff done with ribbed tubes in play features, as it allows for more compact builds. Where as the regular lego springs are typically too big to be used in a figure outside of massive beasts.
My personal favorite play feature (that Lego has done) would have to be the puppeteering gimmick in Storm Beast
I miss the old functions of the early Rahi and their combiner models. Stuff like the Bahrag queens has been infinitely fun to interact with because of the creativity on display, and I feel newer sets are lacking the ingenuity of the past.
Dragon Bolt actually uses a very similar function to K-2SO and Skull Basher for his wing flapping gimmick, it’s just slightly more rigid to stop you from moving one wing further across than the other
I had totally forgotten about the marionette storm beast! (course I don’t own it, so that might be why
Yeah that was one of the best things about the titans being made almost completely out of Technic. It really started dying out in 2003, and the titans started just becoming larger action figures instead of complex functioning builds. At least the vehicles of 2008-09 showed up eventually.
I discovered a new one, Bruizer from Hero Factory’s Brain attack line had a simple lever swinging arm. Very reminiscent of the original Toa’s swinging arm.
The Bahrag are really cool, I was able to get my hands on them last year. Lego could have honestly done more complex and creative mechanisms during CCBS’ lifespan. With how many technic panels are introduced in a lot of technic vehicle sets, including the Starwars sets from 2015 and onward, texture clash wouldn’t be too big of an issue. I just wish Skull Scorpio, and The Lord of Skull Spiders weren’t the only ones to really dip their toes into that territory
True, they did a bit of this with General Grievous and the newer Darth Vader (although the older CCBS Vader did this a bit) almost perfectly mixing CCBS with technic beams.