Units of Measurement?

A Toa averages 1.6 Bio in height(which is equal to 7.2ft); I found that the standard height for the toa mata without a mask is 16cm. Are these numbers related? If so we are able to scale our mocs to “actual size” in feet, simply by multiplying their height in centimeters by .45 or by .137 to convert to meters. Furthermore, is there a unit and conversion for mass?

Yes, to your first question, and no, there is no unit conversion for mass that I am aware of

In terms of sizing sets to in universe stuff, I’d be uncertain because by 08 Matoran were the size of the Toa Mata.

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Note: There are several different scales that have been used. 01-03 being the most consistant. Then there was a larger scale in 04-05, which then, with the introduction of the Inika system, was replaced for the rest of the line with the exception of the starts, however was increadibly less consistant.

So, the Toa Mata are the same scale as all sets released up until 03, but no set released after up until the Stars, which were close, if not the same scale. However, the Stars Rahkshi was very under-sized.

Edit from the future of 2020: