Unpopular Opinions about Movies (and Television Shows)

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I love the Big Mama trilogy. I don’t care what the critics say. Yes, it is a one joke movie, but it has its fair share of emotional themes that, at least in my opinion, are payed off pretty smoothly. I first watch them when I was extremely young, stupidly young, and I have good memories watching them with my parents.

I dunno if this would count as an unpopular opinion about movies, but it’s still related to movies.
I hate merchandise. I just hate it. I am just so sick of seeing Anna and Elsa and Minions everywhere. Sure, those are movies that made a tone at the box office, and making merchandise of it it’s highly profitable, but going as far as making an entire movie that nobody ever asked for just for the sake of selling merchandise? (I am looking at you, Planes).



Yeah. No kidding. It’s frustrating.

And you Moana.
They literally just wanted another FROZEN. (which, regrettably, is in the works).

Has any one else noticed that lego’s, NERF, Hot Wheels, Transformers, and Barbie are about the only original toys anymore? Everything else is based off of a Movie/tv show, or is a rip off of something else.

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Not really. I don’t see as much merchandise for Moana as I did for Planes back when it was released. But Moana at least was good, unlike Planes which was basically just a lame commercial extended for an hour and a half. [quote=“ProfSrlojohn, post:536, topic:44421”]
Has any one else noticed that lego’s, NERF, Hot Wheels, Transformers, and Barbie are about the only original toys anymore? Everything else is based off of a Movie/tv show, or is a rip off of something else.
You are definitely not the only one. With the exception of those you mentioned, pretty much any other popular toy would fall into the merchandise category. We need desperately more original Toy Lines!

If you say so. I didn’t really like it, except for the Rock singing you welcome. He doesn’t have a half bad voice.

Yeah, Though i did forget playmobile, and some Imaginext.

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Makes sense to me

It makes money, why shouldn’t they do i?

I don’t care how many years I have to wait, but I want to see Morgan Stark as the new Iron Man. It would be perfect from a story perspective, opening so many doors, and it would just make more sense overall that Riri Williams.
And yes, I sad Iron Man, probably in this context should have said Iron Woman. For me, Iron Heart sounds straight up stupid.
And as a fancasting, to be honest I would go for Liana Liberato. Honestly, I saw a fan art of her in an Iron Man suit next to Tony a while ago, and the lightbulb just turned on in my mind, and I am completely unable to turn it off. She has the look: she can easily pass as a combo of Tony and Pepper. She also can act as a teenage version of phase 1 Tony. She has the arrogant teen that is not understood by the rest of humanity card. She can also play in a redemption arc similar to Tony’s, although if Morgan is to become the next Iron Man her arc may not be that similar to Tony’s (and to be honest the one I already have in mind isn’t that similar either).
In conclusion, I consider my opinion to be ‘unpopular’ because everybody seems to want Riri to step up instead of Morgan. Everybody seem to want a random black girl that isn’t even well liked by the comicbook readers instead of what should be the absolute most logical solution. I want to see Morgan rise and fly in the skies of NY together with Peter Parker who, now that I think of, might be a perfect mentor figure for her. And I might be exagerating here, but if this will not become a reality, and they choose to go for Riri, I might actually loose some of my respect for the MCU. Again, I’m more than likely exagerating.

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Eh. I once read a book titled “Steelheart” with a super-villain of the same name, so it kind of reminds me of that.

I know you later say it may not be, but having a similar story arc is something kind of frowned upon in the MCU. Kevin Feige, especially with Spider-Man, wishes to tell “a new story,” both from the comics and from previous films.

I mean, I don’t follow the Iron Man fan base, like, at all, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say something good about Ironheart.

We’re trying to use logic in a world where wizards, alien gods, sticky people, and purple stone collectors exist… this won’t go well…

Personally, I don’t think that that’s how the MCU takes the Iron Man legacy. I bet that they won’t even be looking for a replacement for Stark for at least Phase 4, maybe even this entire saga. It was made kind of clear in Endgame and FFH that, with Tony being such a huge loss to the Avengers, things are going to have to be different, and if they just fill that gap as soon as possible, it’s not going to look good. I know you’re talking longterm, but in the meantime, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is no Stark replacement for a while.

When there comes time to be one, I bet that we will already have a likely candidate. And then again, I doubt I would even be someone random. With Stark gone, many candidates will try and probably fail to clear that void, and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them is Shuri. I think this would be an excellent choice, because she’s already a child-like genius, and she doesn’t really seem to have much to do. Plus, while maybe not going all-out Ironheart, she could easily reference the role in design or in quotation.

Anyways, I think Marvel should let us explore the characters without Stark for a while before hiring his successor, just so that we can see where that takes characters like Peter and Sam and Rhodes.

If Morgan is to become the New Iron Man, we would have to wait quite q while. At that time, I don’t think anybody would argue if the MCU would play this card again.

Except becoming queen of Wakanda.

######Imo, Shuri is more likely to take over the mantle of Black Panther than Iron Man. Considering she has in the comics and has never once had any relation to Tony Stark.

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As in, they’d pull a Narnia and have the siblings be the rulers? T’Challa’s alive and well.

That’s also entirely possible, but I think it would be really cool to see a Vibranium suit.

I mean, in the comics she does have her own stories, so I wouldn’t say she is out of original potential to the point if becoming tge bext Iron Man.

I know almost nothing about the comics, but I think it would be cool too see Harley taking up the mantel of Ironman.

Who now?

The kid in Ironman 3. He was also at Tony’s funeral.

I mean I would be fine with it, it’s just that I want Morgan more.

I think it would be cool to see Morgan too, but in the meantime I think Harley could fill the role.


I would be so onboard with Harley!

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Michael Bay is a good director.
He just didn’t had the background necessary for creating a good Transformers vision.