Untitled MOC

So, this is a reconstruction of something I made years ago. I was largely inspired by the design of Krakua. My conception of it is that its an exo-suit for a small but intelligent being, sort of like a Rahkshi but not necessarily for a Kratta. Anyway, on the the incredibly low-res pics.

So, let me know what y’all think!


Pretty gappy…

Don’t know what else to say other than that.

It has potential, but it just need some more work. :smiley:

The arms look a little awkward and he definently has room for improvement but all in all it’s a great moc. Keep mocing!

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@Kretta Yeah, I figure it does. But this is the first thing I’ve built in ages, so I figured I might as well just get it out there. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Aeros Yeah, I wasn’t really sure what to do with the arms, so I experimented a little. May not have been the most successful experiment ever.

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The red in the weapon is really out of place. Otherwise, it’s good.

Hm, I guess so. It’s supposed to look like a lightsaber (I was about 11 when I made the first version of this :stuck_out_tongue: ), so it’s kind of supposed to stick out. I dunno, maybe I should change it.


He needs to eat his wheaties :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice little MOC, needs some armor around the chest though.

looks promising. With some work, it could become really cool. Not sure how I feel about the lightsaber, though. Also what are you using for the upper legs? I’ve never seen that piece before.

@Leoxandar Lol. Yeah, that might not be a bad idea.

@ToaOrrel Thanks! I’m using these pieces, which I believe only came in that color in the 2002 Technic Super Battle Droid set. You can find grey versions in the 2003 Makuta set.

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Thanks. I’ve never seen that piece before. Now I want teridax even more.

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It’s very blue
With grey


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