Urivori (My30MM April Entry)

Build for this month’s #my30mm which is to make an animal MOC in under 30 minutes that uses no prefab head or mask parts for the face. It’s the first time I’ve done a time challenge in years but I had a lot of fun!

Hiding from the heat of the day in burrows excavated from sandstone with their steel-shod claws, the Urivori emerge at night and hunt in packs. Almost blind, they navigate the dunes with high-pitched clicks and calls that echo back from the sands to their ears, and use their powerful sense of smell to track their prey for miles. One bite is all it takes for their venom to take root and slowly drain the energy of their prey, while they take their time catching up to them.
Though loyal when trained, most inhabitants of Ursi are not willing to risk a bite from these venomous hounds.

I rolled on a random table of animals to combine “Dog” and “Shrew” together. Shrews are really interesting because they’re one of the very rare mammals that has a venomous bite! Also ended up with some hyena, bat, rattlesnake and armadillo in there. Definitely not what I’d normally choose to make as an animal build!

Stud.io building steps: Urivori (April 30MM Entry) from BrickLink Studio [BrickLink]


ooh this looks pretty nice. I really like the parts usage for the head and the body.

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has a very G2-ish aesthetic, which i like!


aaaaaaayyy… @Gringat The Repungnant,(Or Luna Magna king) Is BBAAAACCK!